Current Students
Students' Union
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Your Students' Union

The Students’ Union is an independent, self-governing student society associated with St. Jerome’s University. The Students' Union operates collaboratively, on behalf of its members, with the Administration, Faculty, and Staff at St. Jerome's University to enhance the overall student experience. We serve to represent all St. Jerome's University registered students who pay Union fees and any other paying members. The Students' Union works to facilitate and instill a sense of community within St. Jerome's, as well as supporting the students of St. Jerome’s through investments in the community.


We offer a variety of services to our students at St. Jerome's University including the Farmer's Basket and Union Clubs. We also enhance the student experience through volunteer opportunities and catered events. We encourage students to approach us about their questions and concerns regarding the St. Jerome's community so that we may advocate on their behalf through our committee and board channels at the university.