Current Students
Faith & Spiritual Development
Image of a notebook with a Christian Cross on it and a pack of candles on a table
Faith & Spiritual Development

Faith and spirituality is an important pillar of the St. Jerome’s University community. As a safe place – free of biases, judgement, or insular thinking – you can explore your faith with the support of your peers and mentors.

“Spirituality: the way you relate to your values, to your beliefs about the world, and your beliefs about a higher power.”


It is normal to seek to understand yourself in relation to deeper values. As a Catholic University we find this faith in Jesus, but we encourage the freedom to explore exactly what this means for you. The different lenses your fellow students, your academic mentors, professors, or friends provide can lead to some wonderful questions and greater understandings; they can also lead to fulfilling answers about what the divine is for you! Do not be afraid to ask questions about your faith or the faith of others around you: this is a chance for your spirit and faith to change, or grow deeper; a chance for you to cultivate a faith, or to connect with someone.

“Open your arms to others; we open our arms to you – you’re not in this by yourself.”


All are welcome here.
Student Leadership in Spiritual Development

Being part of a team can feed your soul; foster your community, while nurturing your whole person. See the different opportunities for students who wish to mentor others in Campus Ministry:


Student Campus Ministers

Join our Campus Ministry team and provide diverse, faith based programming for students. Develop your own spirituality and leadership skills while fostering community at St. Jerome’s. Students of all faiths are encouraged to be involved.


Social Justice Committee

Are you passionate about making the world a better place? Want to dive deep into social justice issues? Join our committee to connect with students, staff, and community members who organize social justice events for the community.


The Student Choir Director

Develop your leadership and musical skills by directing our student choir for the 7pm liturgy. Provide meaningful worship celebrations and a welcoming environment for our student community.


Liturgical Volunteers

Share your gifts with the worshipping community at St. Jerome’s during our Sunday liturgies. Volunteer to be a Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Sacristan or Liturgy Coordinator and participate in your faith community!

Spiritual Direction and Counselling

One-on-one mentoring and is available as you explore your faith, spirituality, and life’s questions. Whether you’re struggling or fine, want to share your ups and downs, or are simply asking faith or relationship-based questions, we are here. Are you exploring Catholicity? Your relationships? We can connect you to mentors, within and outside of these walls

Programming, Events, and Social Justice

We offer programming that meets the social, spiritual, and service needs of the St. Jerome’s University community. We are proud to foster community development, and outreach and service. We always welcome new ideas!


Campus Ministry offers a student-led evening Mass, 7 p.m. in our place of worship. We are always looking for students to take active roles as liturgical volunteers.