Current Students
Your Courses
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Your Courses
Your Courses


Selecting and enrolling in your courses is a key component in your academic success. You'll need to know how the processes work. And the timing is critical, too, because there are must-meet deadlines involved! You'll find a short course in the basics here, but remember to ask for help in the Academic Advising Office.

Course Selection


You're encouraged to take part in course selection. It's your opportunity to let the University know ahead of time which courses you'd like to take in an upcoming term. Participating in course selection increases your chances of having a conflict-free schedule and of getting into the courses you need for your degree.

Course Selection Week


Course Selection Week typically takes place five to six months before the term you've selecting courses for. Click here for the dates for the next Course Selection Week.


Quest has posted quick and easy instructions to help you navigate the course selection process. Click here to learn more.
•    If you have more detailed questions, you should contact your academic advisor.





On the Schedule of Classes, you can find out which courses are offered for the current term, and for the upcoming 2 terms following the current term.
More information about registering for courses can be found here.


Course Enrolment

Whereas course selection is your opportunity to indicate to the university the courses you would like to take, course enrolment is your opportunity to solidify your schedule by adding or dropping a course or by swapping it with another one so that you can work toward your "ideal" schedule for the upcoming term.



  • Course enrolment takes place for a limited window of time, also referred to as open enrolment or the add-drop period
  • This period typically begins six weeks prior to the start of a term. You'll be assigned your own specific time to access your schedule to make changes. Click here for information about the next course enrolment period
  • Check Quest under "appointments" to determine your access time
  • Quest has posted quick and easy instructions to for adding/dropping/swapping courses and checking your schedule
  • If you have more detailed questions, you should contact your academic advisor


Tips: As well as showing which classes are available during a specific term, the Schedule of Classes also lists details about times, locations, and instructors. You can use the Schedule of Classes to help you prepare ahead of time for the changes you want to make during your course enrolment appointment.


First Year Essentials
When you're starting out at university, it's a good idea to find out as much as you can about how things work. These websites are a good beginning:
  • Courses: Visit the First-Year Course Selection webpage for detailed information about selecting courses for your first term of university studies.
  • Transition to university:
    • ARTS 101 is your Waterloo Faculty of Arts home that provides valuable information about the transition to university. Learn about and complete transition milestones, win cool prizes, and start your university experience off on the right food
    • We have also posted St. Jerome’s University-specific transition information
  • New to Quest? Take a look at the Waterloo Student Success Office video.
  • Majors: If you're thinking ahead to select your major, the information you'll need is found on the Declare Your Major page.
Tip: Whenever you need help with any of the academic processes, you just have to ask! Our staff and PALs are available to help you with these processes. First-year students are supported by Britt Scowen, Student Advisor.