Arts First


Contact Us

Veronica Austen
Associate Dean
519-884-8111 x 28300
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Arts First

We want you to be successful in university and beyond!


The Arts First milestone is a two course program – ARTS 130 and ARTS 140 – that helps you build foundational competencies in communication, analysis, and research during your first year at university. Instead of listening to a lecture and trying to capture notes, you’ll be immersed in activities and exercises that require communication, problem solving, and the kinds of skills necessary for demonstrating comprehension and effective decision-making. Imagine a classroom where you and your classmates work together to respond to a challenge posed by the instructor. This is how you'll experience ARTS 130 and ARTS 140. 


The possible topics for these courses are wide-ranging. Designed and curated by the instructors themselves, these topics represent questions and ideas in which your instructors are keenly invested. Furthermore, the explorations that you will undertake are timely and vital for understanding our contemporary moment. With a focus on practice-based learning and small class-size, these courses create a classroom environment where you will listen, think deeply, and actively participate.


St. Jerome’s University participates in Arts First programming, and any questions about past or future SJU Arts First offerings can be directed to the Associate Dean, Dr. Veronica Austen.


Please visit the University of Waterloo Arts First website for additional information. For most programs in Arts, the Arts First milestone must be completed to achieve the University Communication Requirement. ARTS 130 and ARTS 140 should be completed in your first year, one in the fall term and one in the winter term. 

