History Research


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Ryan Touhey
Associate Professor
519-884-8111 x 28218
Image of scenery around The Colosseum in Rome
History Research

St. Jerome's University has made its reputation over the years mainly through the excellence of its teaching. However, its contribution to the University of Waterloo and to higher learning in general also takes the form of strong scholarship and original research. The history department, in particular, has a strong research culture and department members are leaders at St. Jerome’s as exemplified by their research output and public engagement. Without this on-going work, university teaching at the University would be less rich and meaningful than it is.


Within the Department of History faculty some of the research areas include:


  • Medieval history, social history, criminal history, gender history, and environmental history. (Dr. Steven Bednarski)
  • History of the modern body, Canadian childhood and modern Canadian history. (Dr. Jane Nicholas)
  • Canadian international relations, Canada's Cold War, and Canadian political history. (Dr. Ryan Touhey)

