New Arctic Actors


New Arctic Actors

The globalization of Arctic affairs has led to a proliferation of non-Arctic state and non-state actors seeking a greater voice in circumpolar governance, precipitating a flurry of recent scholarly publications seeking to discern whether these actors pose a “threat” to Arctic state interests and security.  In particular, China’s growing interest in the Arctic, coupled with its ever-growing wealth and military power, has generated alarm in Western circles.


This research programme critically examines the emerging interests of state and non-state actors from outside of the Arctic region and what their interests may mean for Canada.


This project has been funded by grants from ArcticNet, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Centre for International Governance Innovation, and the Chanchlani India Policy Centre. A SSHRC-funded project (2013-16), led by geographer Frédéric Lasserre and involving several CFPF members, continues to conduct leading edge research on this topic. 

