Undergraduate Studies


Contact Us

John Rempel
519-884-8111 x 28212
Image of an illustration of human face in universe
Undergraduate Studies - Psychology

St. Jerome's University's Department of Psychology features undergraduate core courses such as Introductory Psychology, Social Psychology, and Psychopathology. St. Jerome's University Psychology students can also take advantage of faculty members’ expertise in topics such as educational psychology, adolescence and emerging adulthood, learning disabilities, human sexuality, the psychology of evil, death and dying, close relationships, psychology and the law, criminal profiling, and the psychology of good.


Our academically registered students are co-registered in the Faculty of Arts and obtain their degree from the University of Waterloo.


To learn more about the courses offered by St. Jerome’s University’s Department of Psychology, please visit FIND YOUR COURSES and select PSYCH under the Subject prompt.


For information on academic plans please visit the University of Waterloo Undergraduate Calendar.


Find out more about our Psychology professors:

