Religious Studies Research


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Cristina Vanin
Associate Professor
519-884-8111 x 28266
Image of Christian Cross
Religious Studies Research

Members of our Religious Studies Department have well established national and international reputations in their areas of expertise. While our focus is on the Catholic tradition, our research extends to the study of religion and religious experience generally. Above all, our research areas reflect an appreciation of the role of religion and religions in our contemporary world.


Within the Department of Religious Studies, some of the research areas include, but are not limited to:

  • The morality and politics of consumer religion (Scott Kline)
  • Examining the role of religious organizations in humanitarian intervention (Scott Kline)
  • The intersection of religion and multiculturalism in Canadian society (David Seljak)
  • Human rights, the secular state and religious diversity (David Seljak)
  • The intersection between ecological issues and religion/theology(Cristina Vanin)
  • Mysticism, asceticism, spiritual direction, Christian spirituality, and related topics (David Perrin)


