SMF Student Support & Success


Contact Us

John Arnou
Student Advisor
519-884-8111 x 28241
SMF Student Support & Success

The SMF Department, St. Jerome's University, and the University of Waterloo offer many resources and opportunities to support student success and wellness. Please explore the student success, wellness and advising resources below, and reach out to the SMF Advisor, John Arnou, with any questions or to connect further.


John Arnou MEd, BA - SMF Advisor 


John Arnou (he/him/they/them) is the SMF Advisor and your resource and support as you navigate your undergraduate experience and SMF program. Please don’t hesitate to connect with John via email, or book an advising appointment. For Advising Appointments, you set the agenda, but we can discuss one or more of the following:   


  • Navigating your SMF plan and requirements  

  • Course enrolment and overrides  

  • Co-op and SMF practicum  

  • Campus resources and supports  

  • Getting involved and volunteering  

  • Future planning (careers and graduate studies)  

  • Changing majors/minors, adding a specialization  

  • University and Faculty of Arts policies and regulations  


Connecting with John Arnou, SMF Advisor, for Advising Support:  


  • Email John with your questions. Please include your UW Student ID in your initial email.   

  • Book an ONLINE or IN-PERSON Advising Appointment with John via the booking calendar.  

  • If John's office door is open, please knock and say hello – John welcomes visits and walk-in questions.    

Student Success Resources

One-on-one, Peer Support  


  • SJU Peer Academic Leader (PAL). PAL’s provide peer success coaching and peer support to students across all programs. In addition, you can find the PALs hosting group study sessions and student support events across campus.  


  • 1-1 Peer Success Coaching - Students can meet 1-1 with an upper year student/Peer Success Coach, and work on developing and/or strengthening their academic skills (e.g., time management, note-taking, and studying etc.). This program is available to all students, in all faculties and students can book either virtual or in-person appointments. 


Academic Skills, Writing Support, and Learning Resources  


  • Learning Resources - Students can independently review our academic skills resources and find learning templates to help them develop their academic skills throughout the winter 2023 term. 


  • Learning Skills Self-Assessment - Students can use our learning skills self-assessment, to determine their existing learning strengths and to gain insight into which skills/areas they should focus on developing. 


  • Tutor Connect - Undergrad and Grad students can sign-up to be a tutor or search for tutoring support through the Tutor Connect platform. 


  • The Writing and Communication Centre has some great virtual services such as one-on-one appointments, workshops, and self-serve learning resources to help you succeed on assignments. They also have Waterloo Ready to Write with tip sheets, workshops, and events to support you as you tackle papers, reports, presentations, and other assignments.   


  • Use the Assignment Planner tool to help you plan your time and make big assignments more manageable.  


  • AccessAbility Services provides academic accommodation support to students with known or suspected disabilities/medical conditions. If your ability to engage in academics has been impacted by a known or suspected disability/medical condition, we encourage you to connect with AccessAbility Services. You can review their website for information on Documentation information & forms, and how to apply


Exam and Test Support 



Wellness Resources

Campus Wellness and Mental Health Supports:  


  • Campus Wellness and Counselling Services offers individual one-on-one appointments to students residing in Ontario, and it is completely free for students. To book an appointment, you can call 519-888-4567 ext. 32655. 


  • Empower Me provides phone and video counselling appointments for students (within Ontario and many countries). They are available 24/7, 365 days at 1-833-628-5589 (see website for non-Ontario phone number). 


  • Counselling Services also offers group workshops on various topics, including alleviating anxiety, motivation, and low mood. These are great to join for some additional tips and resources.  


  • MATES is a volunteer peer support program for students. This is a more informal option and can be a great place to connect with other students for social and mental health support. 


  • We have spiritual care-givers and chaplains at St. Jerome’s and Waterloo from many faiths who are available to support students on their life, faith, and spirituality journeys.  


  • RAISE is student-led and serves to address racism and xenophobia on campus through peer-support, education and advocacy, and community building.  



  • PRISM is SJU’s queer student association and provides community, education, and advocacy. You can connect with them on Instagram, X, and TikTok at @SJUPRISM, or email: 


  • UW GLOW Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity. 


Do you know of a helpful resource that isn’t listed here? Please email SMF Advisor, John Arnou, to let them know.  

SMF Student Society

The SMF Student Society is a student-led body dedicated to representing the needs of undergraduate students enrolled in the SMF major or minor. The SMF Society aims to strengthen communication between students and faculty, build a sense of community through programs and social events, and provide resources for academic support. 


We can be contacted by email at You can also visit us on Facebook or Instagram

