Research: Whitney Lackenbauer


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Whitney Lackenbauer
519-884-8111 x NA

Killam Visiting Scholar

University of Calgary



Research Grant

Department of National Defence - Defence Engagement Program (DEP) Targeted Engagement Grant



Research Grant (with Heather Nicol)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Connection Grant



Research Grant

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Connection Grant



Research Grant

Department of National Defence Defence Engagement Program (DEP) Targeted Engagement Grant



Research Grant

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grant



Research Grant

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Connection Grant



Scholarly and Academic Book

Alberta Book Publishing Awards



Keith Matthews Award

Canadian Nautical Research Society



John Lyman Book Award

North American Society for Oceanic History



Research Grant

Chanchlani India Policy Centre



Research Grant

Centre for International Governance Innovation



Research Grant

Munk-Gordon Foundation Arctic Security Program



Research Grant

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Public Dissemination Grant



Research Grant (with Rob Huebert and Suzanne Lalonde)


2010-2011, 2011-2015


Research Grant (partnership with Kitikmeot Heritage Society)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Research Development Grant



Arts in Academics Awards

University of Waterloo



Fulbright Scholar

Center of Canadian Studies, The School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C.



Research Grant (with Rob Huebert and Suzanne Lalonde)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Public Outreach Grant – Northern Communities



Research Grant (with Matthew Farish)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Research Development Initiatives Grant – Northern Communities



Donner Prize (with Ken Coates, William Morrison, and Greg Poelzer)



Research Grant (with Dr. Scott Sheffield)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council



Research Fellowship

Canadian International Council



Research Grant (with Dr. Matthew Farish)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council



Research Grant (with Dr. Matt Farish)

Arctic Institute of North America



Post-Doctoral Fellowship, University of Saskatchewan

Canada Research Chair (Native Newcomer Relations)



Ralph Steinhauer Awards of Excellence

2001-2002, 2002-2003

Research Interests:

Modern Canadian history; Northern history; Canadian Arctic policy; Arctic sovereignty and security issues; international relations; circumpolar relations; Aboriginal-military relations

Research Activity:


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Heather Nicol, eds. 2018. The Networked North: Borders and Borderlands in the Canadian Arctic Region. Waterloo: Centre on Foreign Policy and Federalism.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Elizabeth Elliot-Meisel, eds. 2018. “One of the Great Polar Navigators”: Captain T.C. Pullen’s Personal Records of Arctic Voyages, Volume 1: Official Roles.  Documents on Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security (DCASS) No. 12. Calgary and Waterloo: Centre for Military, Strategic and Security Studies/Centre on Foreign Policy and Federalism/Arctic Institute of North America.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney,  Myra Rutherdale and Kerry Abel, eds. 2017. Roots of Entanglement: Essays in Native-Newcomer Relations. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, Adam Lajeunesse, James Manicom, and Frédéric Lasserre. 2017. China’s Arctic Ambitions and What They Mean for Canada. Calgary: University of Calgary Press.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Heather Nicol, eds. 2017. Whole of Government through  an Arctic Lens. Kingston: Canadian Defence Academy Press.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, Heather Nicol and Wilfrid Greaves, eds. 2017. One Arctic: The Arctic Council and Circumpolar Governance. Ottawa: Canadian Arctic Resources Committee.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Adam Lajeunesse, eds. 2017. Canadian Armed Forces Arctic Operations, 1945-2015: Historical and Contemporary Lessons Learned. Fredericton: Gregg Centre for the Study of War and Society. E-book available online at centres/gregg/what/publications/CdnArcticOps2017.pdf


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, Adam Lajeunesse and Lieutenant(N) Jason Delaney, eds. HMCS Labrador: An Operational History. Arctic Operational History Series, vol. 1. Antigonish: Mulroney Institute on Government. 


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Richard Goette, eds. 2017. Northern Skytrails: Perspectives on the Royal Canadian Air Force in the Arctic from the Pages of The Roundel, 1949-65. Documents on Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security (DCASS) No. 10. Calgary and Waterloo: Centre for Military, Strategic and Security Studies/Centre on Foreign Policy and Federalism/Arctic Institute of North America. E-book available online at .


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Kristopher Kinsinger, eds. 2017. Arctic Show Trial: The Trial of Alikomiak and Tatamigana. Introduced by Ken Coates and William R. Morrison. Documents on Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security (DCASS) No. 9. Calgary and Waterloo: Centre for Military, Strategic and Security Studies/Centre on Foreign Policy and Federalism/Arctic Institute of North America. E-book available online at


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney and Daniel Heidt, eds. 2017. Two Years Below the Horn: A Canadian’s Experiences in Antarctica, 1944-46, by Andrew Taylor. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney and Peter Kikkert, eds. 2016. Lessons in Arctic Operations: The Canadian Army Experience, 1945-1956. Documents on Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security (DCASS) No. 7. Calgary and Waterloo: Centre for Military, Strategic and Security Studies/Centre on Foreign Policy and Federalism/Arctic Institute of North America.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney and Ryan Dean, eds. 2016. Canada’s Northern Strategy under the Harper Conservatives: Key Speeches and Documents on Sovereignty, Security, and Governance, 2005-15. Documents on Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security (DCASS) No. 6. Calgary and Waterloo: Centre for Military, Strategic and Security Studies/Centre on Foreign Policy and Federalism/Arctic Institute of North America.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2015. Vigilans: The 1st Canadian Ranger Patrol Group. Foreword by Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper. Yellowknife: 1 Canadian Ranger Patrol Group.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, Franklyn Griffiths, and Rob Huebert. 2015. Le Canada et la transformation de l'Arctique : Souveraineté, sécurité et intendance. Montréal : Presses de l'Université de Montréal.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney and Daniel Heidt, eds. 2015. The Advisory Committee on Northern Development: Context and Meeting Minutes, 1948-67. Documents on Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security (DCASS) No. 4. Calgary and Waterloo: Centre for Military and Strategic Studies/ Centre for Foreign Policy and Federalism.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney and K.C. Eyre, eds. 2015. Unfurling the Air Force Ensign in the Canadian Arctic: The 1922 Eastern Arctic and 1927-28 Hudson Strait Expeditions. Documents on Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security (DCASS) No. 3, Calgary and Waterloo: Centre for Military and Strategic Studies/ Centre on Foreign Policy and Federalism.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Yale Belanger, eds. 2014. Blockades or Breakthroughs? Aboriginal Peoples Confront the Canadian State. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, ed. 2014. A Historical and Legal Study of Sovereignty in the Canadian North, 1870-1942, by Gordon W. Smith. Calgary: University of Calgary Press.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Peter Kikkert. eds. 2014. Legal Appraisals of Canada’s Arctic Sovereignty: Key Documents, 1904-58. Documents on Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security (DCASS) No. 2. Calgary and Waterloo: Centre for Military and Strategic Studies/Centre on Foreign Policy and Federalism.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, Ryan Dean, and Adam Lajeunesse, eds. 2014. Canadian Arctic Defence and Security Policy: An Overview of Key Documents, 1970-2012. Documents on Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security (DCASS) No. 1. Calgary and Waterloo: Centre for Military and Strategic Studies/ Centre on Foreign Policy and Federalism.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2013. The Canadian Rangers: A Living History.  Vancouver: UBC Press.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, ed. 2013. Canada’s Rangers: Selected Stories, 1942-2012. Kingston: Canadian Defence Academy Press.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Bill March, eds. 2012. De-Icing Required: The Canadian Air Force’s Experience in the Arctic. Trenton: Canadian Forces Air Warfare Centre.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, Franklyn Griffiths, and Rob Huebert. 2011. Canada and the Changing Arctic: Sovereignty, Security and Stewardship.  Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, ed. 2011. Canada and Arctic Sovereignty and Security: Historical Perspectives. Calgary Papers in Military and Strategic Studies. Calgary: Centre for Military and Strategic Studies/University of Calgary Press.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and others. 2010. A Commemorative History of Aboriginal People in the Canadian Military.  Ottawa: Department of National Defence.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Peter Kikkert, eds. 2010. The Canadian Forces and Arctic Sovereignty: Debating Roles, Interests, and Requirements, 1968-1974. Waterloo: Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies / WLU Press.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and others. 2008. Arctic Front: Defending Canada in the Far North. Toronto: Thomas Allen & Son Ltd.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, R. Scott Sheffield, and Craig Leslie Mantle, eds. 2007. Aboriginal Peoples and Military Participation: Canadian & International Perspectives. Kingston, ON: Canadian Defence Academy Press.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Chris M.V. Madsen, eds. 2007. Kurt Meyer on Trial: A Documentary Record. Kingston, ON: Canadian Defense Academy Press.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Craig Leslie Mantle, eds. 2007. Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian Military: Historical Perspectives. Kingston, ON: Canadian Defence Academy Press.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2007. Battle Grounds: The Canadian Military and Aboriginal Lands. Vancouver: UBC Press.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and others, eds. 2004. The Hidden Pierre Trudeau: The Faith Behind the Politics. Ottawa: Novalis.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, Kenneth McLaughlin, and John English, eds. 2002. Mackenzie King: Citizenship and Community: Essays Marking the 125th Anniversary of the Birth of William Lyon Mackenzie King. Toronto: Robin Brass Studio.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Mark MacGuigan, eds. 2002. An Inside Look at External Affairs During the Trudeau Years: The Memoirs of Mark MacGuigan. Calgary: University of Calgary Press.


Articles and Book Chapters:


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Suzanne Lalonde. 2018. “Canada, Sovereignty, and ‘Disputed’ Arctic Boundaries: Myths, Misconceptions, and Legal Realities.” Chapter for The Networked North: Borders and Borderlands in the Canadian Arctic Region, ed. Heather Nicol and P. Whitney Lackenbauer. Waterloo: Centre on Foreign Policy and Federalism. 116-39.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Peter Kikkert. 2017. “‘Men of Frontier Experience’: Yukoners, Frontier Masculinity and the First World War.” Northern Review 44: 63-96.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Peter Kikkert. 2017. “‘The Index to a Man’s Principles’: Dawson and the Canadian Yukon Patriotic Fund, 1914-1920,” Northern Review 44: 384-410. (With Peter Kikkert.)


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2017. “India and the Arctic: Revisionist Aspirations, Arctic Realities,” Jindal Global Law Review 8/1: 23-54.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2017. “At the Crossroads of Militarism and Modernization: Inuit-Military Relations in the Cold War Arctic,” in Roots of Entanglement: Essays in Native-Newcomer Relations, ed. Myra Rutherdale, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, and Kerry Abel. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 116-58.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Adam Lajeunesse. 2017. “The Canadian Armed Forces in the Arctic: Building Capabilities and Connections” in Whole of Government through an Arctic Lens, ed. P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Heather Nicol. Kingston: CDA Press. 79-100.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Adam Lajeunesse. 2017. “The Emerging Arctic Security Environment: Putting the Military in its (Whole of Government) Place” in Whole of Government through an Arctic Lens, ed. P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Heather Nicol. Kingston: CDA Press. 1-22.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2017. “Arctic Defence and Security: Transitioning to the Trudeau Government” in Whole of Government through an Arctic Lens, ed. P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Heather Nicol. Kingston: CDA Press. 188-208.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Suzanne Lalonde. 2017. “Searching for Common Ground in Evolving Canadian and EU Arctic Strategies.” In The European Union and the Arctic, ed. Nengye Liu. Leiden: Brill. 119-71.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, Peter Kikkert, and Adam Lajeunesse. 2017. “Lester Pearson, the United States, and Arctic Sovereignty: A Case of Un-Pearsonian Diplomacy?” Mike’s World: Lester Pearson and Canadian External Relations, 1963-1968. Edited by Asa McKercher and Galen Perras. Vancouver: UBC Press. 149-68.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2017. “Conceptualizing ‘One Arctic’ as the ‘Canadian Arctic’? Situating Canada’s Arctic Council Chairmanship (2013-15),” in One Arctic: The Arctic Council and Circumpolar Governance, ed. P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Heather Nicol, and Wilfrid Greaves. Ottawa: Canadian Arctic Resources Committee. 46-78.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Ryan Dean. 2017. “‘A Particularly Spectacular Piece of Demolition’: The Canadian-Led Raid on Spitzbergen, 1941,” in Canadian Armed Forces Arctic Operations, 1945-2015: Historical and Contemporary Lessons Learned, ed.

P.W. Lackenbauer and Adam Lajeunesse. Fredericton: Gregg Centre for the Study of War and Society.  1-46.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, K.C. Eyre and Peter Kikkert. 2017. “Lessons in Arctic Warfare: The Canadian Army Experience, 1945-55,” in Canadian Armed Forces Arctic Operations, 1945-2015: Historical and Contemporary Lessons Learned, ed. P.W.


Lackenbauer and Adam Lajeunesse. Fredericton: Gregg Centre for the Study of War and Society. 47-104.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Adam Lajeunesse. 2017. “There is No Glide Path in the Arctic: Operational Lessons Learned,” in Canadian Armed Forces Arctic Operations, 1945-2015: Historical and Contemporary Lessons Learned, ed. P.W. Lackenbauer and Adam Lajeunesse. Fredericton: Gregg Centre for the Study of War and Society. 443-53.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2017. “Race, Gender, and International ‘Relations’: African Americans and Aboriginal People in the Canadian North, 1942-48,” in Dominion of Race: Rethinking Canada’s International History. Edited by Francine McKenzie, Laura Madokoro, and David Meren. Vancouver: UBC Press.  112-38.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Matthew Farish. 2017. “Western Electric Turns North: Technicians and the Transformation of the Cold War Arctic,” Ice Blink: Navigating Northern Environmental History, ed. Stephen Bocking and Brad Martin. Calgary: University of Calgary Press. 259-90.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2016. “Canada & Russia: Toward an Arctic Agenda,” Global Brief (Summer/Fall): 21-25.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2016. “Towards a Comprehensive Approach: Defence, Security, and Safety,” in North of 60: Toward a Renewed Canadian Arctic Agenda, ed. John Higginbotham and Jennifer Spence. Waterloo: Centre for International Governance Innovation. 50-54.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2016. “Foreword,” The Historical and Legal Background of Canada’s Arctic Claims by Gordon W. Smith. Waterloo: Centre on Foreign Policy and Federalism. i-vi.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2016. “Agency in High [Arctic] Modernization” in Many Norths: Spatial Practice in a Shifting Territory eds. Lola Sheppard and Mason White. New York: Actar Publishers. 331-40.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney and Peter Kikkert. 2016. “A History of Ikaluktuuttiaq” in A Guidebook for Research with Nunavut Communities. Iqaluktuuttiaq (Cambridge Bay) Edition. Cambridge Bay, NU: Polar Knowledge Canada/Pitquhirnikkut Ilihautiniq (Kitikmeot Heritage Society).  14-31.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney and Adam Lajeunesse. 2016. “The Canadian Armed Forces in the Arctic: Building Appropriate Capabilities.” Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, 16/4 (March): 7-66.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney and Adam Lajeunesse. 2016. “China’s Mining Interests in the North American Arctic.” Governing the North American Arctic: Lessons from the Past, Prospects for the Future ed. Dawn Berry, Nigel Bowles, and Halbert Jones III. London: Palgrave MacMillan. 74-99. 


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and James Manicom. 2015. “Asian States and the Arctic: National Perspectives on Regional Governance.” The Handbook of the Politics of the Arctic. Edited by Geir Hønnelan. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Rob Huebert. 2014. “Premier Partners: Canada, the United States and Arctic Security.” Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 20/3 (Fall): 1-14.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Peter Kikkert. 2014. “Archipelagic Analogs? Indonesian Baselines, Canadian Arctic Sovereignty, and the Framing of Mental Maps, 1957-62.” International Journal of Canadian Studies 50 (December): 227-52.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Peter Kikkert. 2014. “The Dog in the Manger – and Letting Sleeping Dogs Lie: The United States, Canada and the Sector Principle, 1924-1955.’” The Arctic Ocean: Essays in Honour of Donat Pharand. Edited by Suzanne Lalonde and Ted McDorman. Leiden: Brill. 216-39.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Yale Belanger. 2014. “Introduction” in Blockades or Breakthroughs? Aboriginal Peoples Confront the Canadian State ed. Yale Belanger and P.W. Lackenbauer. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press. 1-50.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2014. “‘The War Will Be Won When the Last Low-Level Flying Happens Here in Our Home’: Innu Opposition to Low-Level Flying in Labrador” in Blockades or Breakthroughs? Aboriginal Peoples Confront the Canadian State ed. Yale Belanger and P.W. Lackenbauer. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press. 119-65.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2014. “A Bridge Too Far? The Oka Crisis” in Blockades or Breakthroughs? Aboriginal Peoples Confront the Canadian State ed. Yale Belanger and P.W. Lackenbauer. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press. 166-221.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, with Victor Gulewitsch. 2014. “The Tragedy of Ipperwash” in Blockades or Breakthroughs? Aboriginal Peoples Confront the Canadian State ed. Yale Belanger and P.W. Lackenbauer. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press. 253-313.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Nick Shrubsole. 2014. “The Gustafsen Lake Standoff” in Blockades or Breakthroughs? Aboriginal Peoples Confront the Canadian State ed. Yale Belanger and P.W. Lackenbauer. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press. 314-55.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and James Manicom. 2014. “Canada’s Northern Strategy and East Asian Interests in the Arctic” in East- Asia-Arctic Relations: Boundary, Security and International Politics ed. Ken Coates and Kimie Hara. Waterloo: Centre for International Governance Innovation. 78-117.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and James Manicom. 2014. “East Asian States and the Pursuit of Arctic Council Membership” in East- Asia-Arctic Relations: Boundary, Security and International Politics ed. Ken Coates and Kimie Hara. Waterloo: Centre for International Governance Innovation. 199-216.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2014. “Baptism by Ottoman Fire: Newfoundland, Memory, and the Gallipoli Campaign.” In Gallipoli: History, Memory and National Imagination ed. Mehdi Ilhan. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu (Turkish Historical Society). 101-140.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2013. “India’s Emerging Arctic Interests.” Arctic Yearbook 2013 ed. Lassi Heininen. Akureyri, Iceland: University of the Arctic/Northern Research Forum. 24 pp.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2013. “Mirror Images? Canada, Russia, and the Circumpolar World.” In The Fast-Changing Maritime Arctic: Defence and Security Challenges in a Warmer World ed. Barry Scott Zellen. Calgary: University of Calgary Press. 257-80.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2013. “The Military as Nation-Builder: The Case of the Canadian North -- The 2013 Ross Ellis Memorial Lecture in Military and Strategic Studies.” Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 15/1 (Summer). 1-32.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Ryan Shackleton. 2012. “Inuit-Air Force Relations in the Qikiqtani Region during the Early Cold War” in De-Icing Required: The Canadian Air Force’s Experience in the Arctic eds. Lackenbauer and Bill March.  Trenton: Canadian Forces Air Warfare Centre.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Daniel Heidt. 2012. “Sovereignty for Hire: Civilian Contractors and the Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line” in De-Icing Required: The Canadian Air Force’s Experience in the Arctic eds. Lackenbauer and Bill March. Trenton: Canadian Forces Air Warfare Centre.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2012. “Canada, Russia, and the Circumpolar World.” In The Fast-Changing Maritime Arctic: Defence and Security Challenges in a Warmer World ed. Barry Scott Zellen. Calgary: University of Calgary Press. 145-56.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2011. “Aboriginal Peoples in the Canadian Rangers: Canada’s ‘Eyes and Ears’ in Northern and Isolated Communities,” in Hidden in Plain Sight: Contributions of Aboriginal Peoples to Canadian Identity and Culture, Vol. 2 ed. Cora Voyageur and others. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 306-28.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2011. “Polar Race or Polar Saga? Canada and the Circumpolar World,” in Arctic Security in an Age of Climate Change ed. James Kraska. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 218-43.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Peter Kikkert. 2011. “Setting an Arctic Course: Task Force 80 and Canadian Control in the Arctic, 1948,” Northern Mariner 21 (4): 327-58.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Peter Kikkert. 2011. “Sovereignty and Security: The Department of External Affairs, the United States, and Arctic Sovereignty, 1945-68,” in In the National Interest: Canadian Foreign Policy and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 1909-2009, ed. Greg Donaghy and Michael Carroll. Calgary: University of Calgary Press. 101-20.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Peter Kikkert. 2011. “Building on ‘Shifting Sands’: The Canadian Armed Forces, Sovereignty, and the Arctic, 1968-72,” in Canada and Arctic Sovereignty and Security: Historical Perspectives ed. P.W. Lackenbauer. Calgary: Centre for Military and Strategic Studies/University of Calgary Press. 283-308.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2011. “‘Use it or Lose it,’ History, and the Fourth Surge,” in Canada and Arctic Sovereignty and Security: Historical Perspectives ed. P.W. Lackenbauer. Calgary: Centre for Military and Strategic Studies/University of Calgary Press. 423-36.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2010. “Mirror Images? Canada, Russia, and the Circumpolar World.” International Journal 65 (4): 879-97.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Matthew Farish. 2009. "High Modernism in the Arctic: Planning Frobisher Bay and Inuvik." Journal of Historical Geography 35 (3): 517-44.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2009. "Research Note: The Role of the Canadian Armed Forces in Defending Sovereignty." Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 11 (3): 1-23.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2009. "The Canadian Rangers: Sovereignty, Security and Stewardship from the Inside Out." In Thawing Ice – Cold War: Canada’s Security, Sovereignty, and Environmental Concerns in the Arctic, 12, 61-79. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Centre for Defence and Security Studies.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2008. "An Integrated Approach to Canada’s Arctic?" Behind the Headlines 65 (4): 21-26.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2008. "Carrying the Burden of Peace: The Mohawks, the Canadian Forces, and the Oka Crisis." Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 10 (2): 1-71.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Andrew F. Cooper. 2007. "The Achilles Heel of Canadian Good International Citizenship: Indigenous Diplomacies and State Responses in the Twentieth Century." Canadian Foreign Policy 13 (3): 99-119.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Matthew Farish. 2007. "The Cold War on Canadian Soil: Militarizing a Northern Environment." Environmental History 12 (3): 920-50.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2007. "A Hell of a Warrior': Remembering Sergeant Thomas George Prince." Journal of Historical Biography 1 (1): 26-79.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2007. "Guerrillas in Our Midst: The Pacific Coast Militia Rangers, 1942-45." BC Studies 155: 95-131.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2007. "Soldiers Behaving Badly: CEF Soldier "Rioting" in Canada During the First World War." In The Apathetic and the Defiant: Case Studies of Canadian Mutiny and Disobedience, 1812-1919, ed. Craig Leslie Mantle, 195-260. Kingston, ON: Canadian Defence Academy Press.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Katharine McGowan. 2007. “Indigenous Nationalisms and the Great War: Enlisting the Six Nations in the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), 1914-17,” in Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian Military: Historical Perspectives ed. P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Craig Mantle. Kingston: CDA Press. 89-115.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2007. “Canada’s Northern Defenders: Aboriginal Peoples in the Canadian Rangers, 1947-2005,” in Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian Military: Historical Perspectives ed. P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Craig Mantle. Kingston: CDA Press. 171-208.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Scott Sheffield. 2007. “Moving Beyond ‘Forgotten’: The Historiography on Canadian Native Peoples and the World Wars,” in Aboriginal Peoples and Military Participation: Historical Perspectives ed. P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Craig Mantle. Kingston: CDA Press. 209-231.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2007. "Teaching Canada’s Indigenous Sovereignty Soldiers … and Vice Versa: ‘Lessons Learned’ from Ranger Instructors." Canadian Army Journal 10 (2): 66-81.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2006. "'Of Practically No Use to Anyone’: Situating a Rifle Range on the Fort William Indian Reserve, 1905-1914." The Thunder Bay Historical Museum Society Papers & Records 34: 3-28.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2006. "Politics of Race, Gender and Sex." In Aboriginal Connections to Race, Environment and Traditions, 3-16. Winnipeg: Aboriginal Issues Press/University of Manitoba Press.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2006. "The Canadian Rangers: A Postmodern Militia That Works." Canadian Military Journal 6 (4): 49-60.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2005. "Partisan Politics, Civic Priorities, and the Urban Militia: Situating the Calgary Armoury, 1907-17." Urban History Review 33 (2): 45-60.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2004. "Pay No Attention to Sero: The Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte and Imperial Flying Training During the Great War." Ontario History 46 (2): 143-69.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2004. "The Irony and the Tragedy of Negotiated Space: A Case Study on Narrative Form and Aboriginal-Government Relations during the Second World War." Journal of the Canadian Historical Association NS #15: 177-206.


Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. 2002. "Right and Honourable: Mackenzie King, Canadian-American Bilateral Relations, and Canadian Sovereignty in the Northwest, 1943-1948." In Mackenzie King: Citizenship and Community, ed. John English, Kenneth McLaughlin, and P.W. Lackenbauer, 151-68. Toronto: Robin Brass Studio.

