Research: Carm De Santis


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Carm De Santis
519-884-8111 x 28217
Educational Background:

B.A. University of Guelph 1994


M.Sc. University of Guelph 1997

Research Activity:

Peer Reviewed Publications and Presentations

De Santis, C. (October, 2012).  The sex & gender of pleasure.  Presentation at CIHR Institute of Gender and Health Advancing Excellence in Gender, Sex and Health Research, Montreal, Quebec.

Waston, E., De Santis, C., & Ellison, C.  (June, 2012).  The untold story: Women's sexuality.  Presentation at Canadian Psychological Association Convention, Section on Women and Psychology (SWAP), Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Murray, S., De Santis, C. & Milhausen, R.  (May, 2012). Examining the Effects of Prescribed Sexual Activity on Couples Sexual and Relationship Satisfaction. Presentation at the Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality Eastern and Mid-Continent Regional Conference, Bloomington, Indiana.

Serafini, T. & De Santis, C. (2011). Undergraduate students identify what fosters critical self-reflection in higher learning. In N. Simmons (Ed.), Opportunities and new directions: Canadian scholarship of teaching and learning, Volume 2. Waterloo, ON: Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE), University of Waterloo.

De Santis, C.  (November, 2011).  Women’s Sexuality: You are kidding!  That is what I may have missed? Poster presentation at the Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality, Houston, Texas.

De Santis, C.  (November, 2011).  Advocacy and Social Justice in Sex Research. Poster presentation at the Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality, Houston, Texas

De Santis, C.  (September, 2011).  Research Conundrum: Inclusivity.  Presentation for the Canadian Sex Research Forum, Vancouver, BC

De Santis, C. & Serafini, T. (May, 2011).  Weaving the Capstone Braid:  Intersections Among Classroom Learning, Practicum Experience, and Personal Life.  Presented at the Fifth Annual Windsor-Oakland University Teaching and Learning Conference, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

De Santis, C. & Rye, BJ.  (April, 2011). “I may look like what you want, but it don’t feel good anymore”: The impact of medical tampering on women with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome’s sexuality.  Presentation at the Medicalization of Sex Conference.  Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC.

Rye, B.J., De Santis, C., & Meaney G.J. (2010, October). Multi-method investigation of the sexual self of three groups of women. Presentation at the Canadian Sex Research Forum, Toronto, Ontario

De Santis, C. (June 2010).  Is there a preferred communication language in couple relationships?  Presentation at Guelph Sexuality Conference, Guelph, ON

De Santis, C., & Serafini, T. (2010, May).  Collaborative Teaching: A Reflective Process on Team Teaching a Practicum Course in Social Services.   Presented at the Teaching & Learning Innovation Conference 2010, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario

Serafini, T. & De Santis, C. (2010, April) The Use of Critical Self-Reflection in Teaching and Learning.  Presentation at the 2nd Annual Opportunities and New Directions Conference, Waterloo, Ontario

Serafini, T. & De Santis, C. (2010, April). What Do Students Really Think?  Comparing Instructor and Student Perspectives of Critical Self-Reflection in Teaching and Learning. Poster presented at the 2nd Annual Opportunities and New Directions Conference, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

