Current Academic Plan Progress


Academic Plan (2023 - 2026)
Keeping Our Promises, Living Our Mission
Initiative Status
Build a plan for a unique “SJU Start”
First Year Curriculum/Experience.

In progress

Committee formed. Members of the committee include:

  • Michelle Atkin
  • Kieran Bonner
  • Sinead Costello
  • Norm Klassen
  • Clayton McCourt
  • Chad Wriglesworth

Separate Advising/Communication project around First Year courses at SJU being worked on by Britt Scowen and Christina Mancini.

Teaching Excellence (a)
Address amongst ourselves how we engage in practices that incorporate peer and learner feedback.


Senate Council has agreed to ongoing use of the UW online course perception instrument.

Will need to continue to discuss ways to address this beyond these instruments including more qualitatively.

Teaching excellence (b)
Pursue teaching awards.

In progress

There were several nominations of SJU faculty for teaching awards at UW in 2024-2025.

Teaching Excellence (c)
Broaden communications strategy to include more teaching content.

In progress

VPAD holds bi-weekly meetings with Director of Marketing and Communication.

Have featured courses/instructors as part of HHUM launch.

Teaching Excellence (d)
Departmental Discussions about Equity/Experience strategy.

In progress

Ongoing conversations with Department Chairs.

Create Wellness Implementation Team [WIT] (a)
Translate McMurray report into specific action plans within Student Affairs.


WIT is established and work in this area is ongoing.

WIT (b)
Explore additional collaboration between student-support units and academic departments (e.g. Well-Link, SMF).


WIT is a collaboration with the Well-Link lab and work in this area is ongoing.

WIT (c)
Develop strategies for supporting faculty and staff who find themselves on the frontlines of new and challenging student mental health and accessibility challenges.


Wellness Coordinator Angelina Dodds has recently been certified as a Mental Health First Aid Facilitator from Mental Health Commission of Canada and this will allow us to do internal trainings/certifications for those interested.

Implement SJU EDI Action Plan 
Recommendations that fall under VPAD office.

In Progress

The EDI Standing Committee meets monthly.

Work with Indigenous Advisory Circle
Leverage Indigenous Reading Collection partnership.

In progress

IAC formed, will work collaboratively on Indigenous Strategic Plan.

Address Human Sciences/Catholic Studies Program Reviews
(if not addressed by SJU Start program).

In progress

Pending SJU Start conversations.

Leveraging Our Strengths to Reach New Audiences
Initiative Status
Micro-credentials (a)
Using feedback from Advisory Committee develop at least one micro-credential that is formally recognized by Diocese of Hamilton

In progress

Diocesan endorsement for Employer Partnership/Certificate in Catholic Leadership.

Micro-credentials (b)
SMF - Summer Certification for Practitioners


Summer SAR Certification Planned for June 1-2 , 2024.

Micro-credentials (c)
Other areas where there is an interest
In progress
Partnerships with ACCUC on shared courses In progress
Work Integrated Learning in MCT In progress
SJU Library materials for micro-credentials In progress
Investigate a Living Learning Community (LLC)

In progress

Pending outcome of SJU Start.

Student Affairs beginning its own strategic planning and benchmarking work which could inform desire to pursue.

Summer Institutes (a)
Tie micro-credentials to summer institutes

In progress

SMF Summer Program in Summer 2024.

Summer components of Employer Partnership Program/Certificate in Catholic Leadership.

Summer Institutes (b)
High school student camps etc.
Summer Institutes (c)
Service learning for graduate students, alumni, and other community members
In progress
Lecture Series (a)
Fundraise to establish Health Humanities series

In progress

Included in Case for Support.

Lecture Series (b)
Fundraise to establish Bridges series

In progress

Included in Case for Support.

Lecture Series
Fundraise to establish Lectures in Catholic Experience series
In progress
Enriching Lives Through Research
Initiative Status
Commitment to Research (a)
Explore whether internal funding can be used to buy out time rather than offset expenses
In progress
Commitment to Research (b)
Develop internal opportunities for successful grant recipients to support those who have not yet applied for or received funding


Previous Research Officer established Teams space/mechanism for connecting people working on applications. Ongoing support from current Research Officer.

Commitment to Research (c)
Ensure our commitments to decolonization and indigenization include adequate consideration for alternative forms of knowledge in our internal funding allocation processes
Investigate creation of a Research Centre as an umbrella research hub In progress
Enhance opportunities for students to learn about and participate in faculty research and faculty-student collaborative research (a)
Encourage external funding applications
In progress
Enhance opportunities (b)
Fundraise for scholarships to fund students interested in working with a faculty mentor for a semester

In progress

Included in Case for Support.

Enhance opportunities (c)
Consider mechanisms for recognizing faculty who take on significant mentorship work
Enhance opportunities (d)
Establish culture of student-meet-prof events
Transform SJU Archives into site of expanded scholarly activity In progress
Create a process and framework for creation and periodic evaluation of Centres, Labs, and Institutes that wish to be housed or continue to be housed at SJU In progress

