Medieval Studies Research


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Steven Bednarski
519-884-8111 x 28276
Image of a medieval age college
Medieval Studies Research

The scholars in St. Jerome’s University's inter-disciplinary Medieval Studies program make world-class contributions to scholarship.


Our expertise tends to focus on the high and later Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Thematically, this means medieval systems of thought including scholasticism and Thomism, poetry, social history, cultural history, crime, gender, women’s writing, and sexuality. In terms of prominent individuals, it means primarily Dante, Albertus Magnus, Aquinas, and Chaucer. Since our program is jointly operated with the University of Waterloo, however, our research is also informed by research produced with our partner institution.


The Medieval Studies program at St. Jerome’s University offers a unique opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to play a central role in research and knowledge production through its award-winning Medieval DRAGEN Lab.

Norm Klassen’s book, The Fellowship of the Beatific Vision: Chaucer on Overcoming Tyranny and Becoming Ourselves (2017) received third place in the Theology category of the Association of Catholic Publishers’ Excellence in Publishing Awards. Read SJU’s announcement of the award.

Steven Bednarski’s book, A Poisoned Past: The Life and Times of Margarida de Porty, a Fourteenth-Century Accused Poisoner (2014) won the 2017 D2L Award for Innovation and Teaching. Trevor Dean called the book “a useful and lively study in microhistorical mode,” in his review in Speculum.


Bruno Tremblay’s electronic website, the Alberti Magni e-corpus, which provides a free, searchable corpus of Albert’s writings, added a number of new texts in 2018. Be sure to visit the site here.

