

Contact Us

Nikolaj Zunic
Associate Professor
519-884-8111 x 28229
Banner for Philosophy Department
Welcome to the Department of Philosophy

The general goal of an university education is to help us become accomplished human beings through the development of our mind and of its different parts. But the well being of these components and of the whole person requires order and direction, which, in the perspective of philosophy, comes mainly from reason. This is why philosophy, the rational pursuit of true answers to the most fundamental questions — whether they be about human nature, the good, the universe, or the existence of God, to name a few — is at the very heart of any education that aims at liberating the mind from the slavery of ignorance, error, or superficial daily preoccupations.


All courses offered by the Philosophy department are taught in the more intimate atmosphere of the St. Jerome’s University campus, which generally implies smaller classrooms and always allows for easy interaction with faculty.


2023 Academic Achievement Award

Congratulations to 2023 graduate Mohammed Qamar for achieving the highest academic achievement in the Department of Philosophy.

