Services for Academics


Contact Us

Michelle Atkin
Associate Librarian
519-884-8111 x 28207
Deb Addesso
Library Associate
519-884-8111 x 28240
Image of a men holding book in hand and book shelf in background
Services for Academics

The Library is an academic unit of St. Jerome’s University and is here to support faculty research and classroom instruction. We are pleased to offer our academic staff the following services:

UWaterloo Space

A place for peer-reviewed publications, ‘is the University of Waterloo's institutional repository for the research and scholarship produced by its faculty, students, and staff. It provides researchers with a free, secure, and long-term home for the presentation, dissemination, and preservation of their research and scholarship.

Course Reserves

Faculty can make course readings available to their students in either paper or electronic formats by logging into course reserves and filling out the form.  Readings are processed on a first come first serve basis.  In order to ensure adequate processing time and to acquire copyright permissions if needed, the library requires a minimum of four weeks' notice.  For help with course reserves, please contact Library Associate, Deb Addesso.     

Information Literacy

The St. Jerome's Library is happy to offer customized information literacy workshops that are designed to fit the unique needs of your students. To learn more about what we have to offer your students, please contact Associate Librarian, Michelle Atkin.  Please note, that for scheduling purposes, workshop requests require a minimum of two weeks' notice.  When scheduling a workshop, we request a copy of your course outline and any course assignments requiring library instruction.  We will use this information to create a workshop that is truly tailored to your needs!


Tell us about your new publication


Please complete the following form so that your new publication(s) may be:

  • purchased for the library collection
  • added to your web directory publication information
  • used for news/marketing purposes
  • included in the annual author celebration event

For questions, please contact:

