Undergraduate Studies


Contact Us

Denise Whitehead
Associate Professor
519-884-8111 x 28281
Picture of people enjoying sunset over horizon
Undergraduate Studies - Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies

The department of Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies offers the following programs and academic plans, including Four-Year General Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies; Honours Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies; Counselling Specialization; Human Services Practicum Specialization; Intensive Research Specialization; Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies Minor; and Diploma in Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies.


SMF majors and minors, check out the online SMF Student Advising Resources!


To learn more about the courses offered by the St. Jerome’s University’s Department of Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies, please visit FIND YOUR COURSES and select SMF under the Subject prompt.


For more information on academic plans please visit the University of Waterloo Undergraduate Calendar.

