Information for
Why Giving Matters

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Hayley Winters
Manager, Development and Alumni Relations
519-884-8111 x 28301
Image of a Student in campus
Why Giving Matters

"You’ve allowed me to take this risk, which I think will let me reach potential I’ve only just begun to see". - Lydia Notten


Since our founding in 1865, St. Jerome’s University has had many students pass through our doors. We have helped each and every one.


From our current students, who benefit from scholarships and programmatic excellence, to those who pioneered the St. Jerome’s University reputation, our donors are deserving of a thousand thank yous.


Because of you, our students have greater access to the leadership and citizenship opportunities that will give them the tools and perspectives to make a difference in our communities and around the world.


They enjoy top-notch campus facilities  - from library services, food and dining experiences and a stand-alone chapel, to study lounges, and meeting spaces, that serve our faculty and staff. Our students benefit from the unique advantages provided only through the generosity of our donors.


Because of your gifts we can continue to provide a space where our students flourish. Because of you we can foster future leaders.


At St. Jerome's University we are committed to the philosophy of educating the whole person – body, mind and soul – harmonizing the education of the heart, with instructions of the mind, holding up the Gospel values of truth, love and justice as exemplified by Jesus for young people to admire, promoting dignity and respect for all.


You will touch countless numbers of lives by supporting St. Jerome’s University. Your support has an impact on our students, giving them access to exceptional teaching, research and, innovation. With your help we will be able to teach social justice principles to our students, who will use their education and talents as leaders in our global society, promoting the common good, and who will go on to inspire others, making the world a more just and peaceable place to live.


Thank you for your continued support of St. Jerome’s University. You help give our students the chance to be the wings of the future and open the doors to opportunities gifted to them, by you.


Giving Matters.


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