Information for

Information for

Contact Us

Hayley Winters
Manager, Development and Alumni Relations
519-884-8111 x 28301
Image of two Professors in College Campus
At St. Jerome’s University our wings of the future are our students, but the cornerstones have been you, our donors. It has been said that, “if opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” This is exactly what you’ve helped us do; we’re always building our own doors that open to more opportunities for our students.
Whether it’s a named scholarship or a donation to our Beyond Borders program, the time and resources you invest in us will make a difference to a student, our future leaders.


"Financial support allowed me to focus on academic course work, while still letting me get involved as a student leader, where I think I have done a lot of learning and growing outside the classroom."
 - Lydia Notten, recent graduate
Icon of gift

Directed or unrestricted, this is a one time donation.

Icon of an Envelope with love symbol inside it

Agree to donate over time! Pick your amount and pay up to five years in installments.

Icon of a Monthly Calendar

Automatically deducted every month, this option makes donating long-term easy.

Icon of Christian Cross

A donation in someone’s memory or in honour of someone is a wonderful way to celebrate their legacy or place in your life!

Icon for a handshake

A donation of securities or mutual fund shares is the most efficient way to give.  The Canada Revenue Agency doesn't apply capital gains tax on donations of publically traded securities.

Icon of hand palms with symbol of heart in it symbolising giving matters

A gift of a bequest from your estate, life insurance policy, charitable gift annuity, or a charitable remainder trust can be a wonderful way to make a difference.

Icon for an Opened Lock

Let us decide where the funds are most needed! Enable St. Jerome's to use your gift to most effectively deliver on our Mission of educating the whole student.

Icon for a Degree Certificate

Whether you choose to set up a specific named scholarship or donate to an existing scholarship, know that your donation may be the deciding factor for a student.

Icon of Church windows

Donations to Campus Ministry make an impact on the spiritual future of our students – the difference they will make in the world as they carry on the legacy of the Congregation of the Resurrection.

Icon of students

Focused on providing service learning opportunities to, encourage our students to become agents of social change through programs such as Beyond Borders or the Beyond U volunteer initiative.

Icon that symbolises Christian Cross

Speakers from all over the world share their shared experience with us. From Indifference to Mercy and Solidarity 

Endowment FAQ
What is an Endowment Fund?

The University accepts donations from its donors in the form of endowments to support long-term donor and University objectives. Endowment donations are invested by the University and only the returns from the investment are spent to support the intended purpose of the endowment. St. Jerome’s University accepts endowment donations to support scholarships, research, and other University strategic initiatives.


Additionally, a portion of the investment income is used to support the original gift amount to protect the donor’s initial investment from inflation. The objective is to have returns greater than inflation, meaning that the Consumer Price Index (Inflation) is returned to the portfolio. The spendable account is comprised of investment income, greater than inflation protection, is returned to the endowment principal amount, and any residual spendable earnings from previous years.



Endowments and the University’s fundraising plans and objectives

The University’s Advancement team looks to fundraise support for the University in a variety of forms. Endowments, direct donations, and gifts in kind are all opportunities available to those individuals, foundations, and companies that wish to support the work of St. Jerome’s University.



Who oversees and manages the Portfolio of Endowments?

The University’s Board of Governors has ultimate responsibility for the oversight of the University’s investments. Part of this oversight is delegated to the Board’s Finance and Audit Committees. The Board, and the Finance and Audit Committees, are supported by the President, Vice President, Administration, Vice President Academic and Dean, and the Director, Finance and Accounting.


The Board approves the University’s Investment Policies and reviews the investment portfolio and Investment Manager performance. The Finance and Audit Committees receive regular reports from the University Administration and the Investment Manager. Annually, the Board of Governors is provided an investment portfolio performance report to review the University’s investment portfolio.



What are the minimum Endowment levels to create a named fund?

The minimum amount to create an endowed scholarship is $70,000.00.



How will the Named Endowment Fund be managed?

The entire endowment portfolio is managed by the University’s Investment Manager and the returns from the endowment are used in two ways:

  1. to protect the initial investment from inflation, and
  2. to generate a spendable account that provides money to be used for the named endowed fund’s purpose and objectives (as identified by the donor).


Depending on the amount of the initial investment, it may require several years for the fund to generate sufficient revenue before a pay out may be made.


While the fund is growing, some donors may elect to make annual contributions to support payouts until the time when the fund can generate enough income to sustain their intentions.


The University does not have a fee or a charge to administer or establish a named endowed fund.


The University maintains a diverse investment portfolio to manage the sustainability of the portfolio of endowments and to protect the portfolio from short-term market fluctuations. The University’s investment strategy is designed to preserve capital in order to support the University’s long-term vision.


Information for