Information for
Phase 2: Action Plans

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Phase 2: Action Plans
Campus Culture

Ensure the SJU campus is one where all people feel welcome, supported, and able to flourish and where commitments to anti-racism, equity, inclusion, and reconciliation are deeply embedded into the ongoing work of the institution.


Ensure that equity, diversity, inclusion, anti-racism and decolonization training are part of the orientation and ongoing professional development of SJU co-registered and residential students, staff, faculty, senior leaders, and the Board of Governors. Planning and assessment of these initiatives that includes involvement from key stakeholders, including students, is an important component of this commitment. Additionally, this should be a consideration in the procurement process for external contractors.

University of Waterloo President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) Report: Theme 5 – Training Recommendation #6

Foster internal resources and external relationships in the Kitchener-Waterloo community to build capacity for success in this collective work in ways that acknowledge perspectives and talents that are currently underrepresented on campus.

University of Waterloo President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) Report: Theme 4 –Engagement, Recommendation #5

Develop communication practices that are transparent, relational, and accessible, and that demonstrate the University’s ongoing commitment and action on behalf of equity, diversity, inclusion, anti-racism, decolonization, healing, and reconciliation.

University of Waterloo President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) Report: Theme 7 – Communication, Recommendation #8

Refine and further develop the policies, processes, and mechanisms for reporting and seeking resolution to equity, diversity, inclusion and anti-racist concerns for students and staff, including review of how Policy 33 (Ethical Behavior) is implemented at St. Jerome’s University.

University of Waterloo President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) Report: Theme 1 – Policy Review, Recommendation #1

Institutionalize the commitments made in this report through the creation of a standing committee that is broadly representative and will be accountable to the holistic work of this plan and other initiatives related to this ongoing series of commitments. 

Hiring Systems and Practices

Develop hiring systems and practices that are fair and equitable, anti-racist and anti-oppressive, transparent, and accountable and update policies and practices accordingly.


Require equity, diversity and inclusion and anti-racism training on inclusive hiring practices for all members of SJU hiring committees, including for recruiting student leaders and Board members.

University of Waterloo President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) Report: Race, Culture, and Ethnicity Awareness - Responsibility #4, Recommendation #80

Determine appropriate ways to interview faculty candidates about how equity, diversity, inclusion, anti-racism, and decolonization will be addressed in the classroom and incorporated into course material.

Determine appropriate ways to interview staff candidates about how they can contribute to equity, diversity, inclusion, anti-racism, and decolonization in the role that they are applying for.

Develop student hiring practices that are fair, transparent, and accessible to all students.

Ensure improvements in hiring systems and practices are matched with programs that ensure racialized and equity-deserving faculty and staff are supported in their work and retained at the university.

University of Waterloo President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) Report: Professional and Academic Development and Mentorship - Responsibility #2, Recommendation #62; Responsibility #5, Recommendation #71

Curriculum and Programming

Foster an ongoing commitment to training in best practices and inclusive pedagogies to ensure students experience courses with topics and authors that represent all voices and perspectives and student affairs programming is appropriately inclusive.

Make equity, diversity, inclusion, decolonization and Indigeneity training and professional development available to staff and develop mechanisms for requiring this training for all faculty and staff.

University of Waterloo President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) Report: Theme 5 – Training Recommendation #6

Adopt or adapt the PART Report recommended anti-racism statement for course syllabi at St. Jerome’s.

University of Waterloo President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) Report: Code of Conduct and Safety - Responsibility #3, Recommendation #13

Acknowledge that a “nothing about us, without us” approach to equity, diversity, and inclusion work may require engaging UW resources and other external experts to provide additional support for those seeking to review, revise, and update their curriculum and pedagogies or working to develop extra or co-curricular programs.

University of Waterloo President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) Report: Theme 5 – Training Recommendation; Educational Environment and the Development of Learners, Responsibility 1-3, Recommendations #16

Determine how best to foster equity, diversity, inclusion, anti-racism, decolonization, healing and reconciliation in all SJU experiential and service-learning programs and student leadership programs.

Ensure that students, staff, and faculty are aware of supports and the formal mechanisms available for grievances that are available to students at SJU, UW and the broader KW community to deal with experiences of exclusion, racism, and oppression. Develop such mechanisms if they are not already in place.

University of Waterloo President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) Report: Theme 1 – Policy Review, Recommendation #1

Outreach, Recruitment, and Marketing

Develop an outreach, recruitment and marketing plan that reaches a diverse pool of prospective students and helps to make SJU a place where all students see themselves reflected and welcomed.

Develop communication messages and stories about SJU’s identity and mission as a Catholic university that ensure that all prospective students are welcomed and a sense of belonging, support, and justice.

University of Waterloo President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) Report: Theme 7 – Communication, Recommendation #8

Develop, enhance, and expand outreach strategies to target high schools and other stakeholders with a variety of equity-deserving student populations.

University of Waterloo President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) Report: Educational Environment and Development of Learners - Responsibility 5-6, Recommendation #27

Enhance admissions strategies to ensure SJU is meeting the needs of all prospective students, especially students from equity-deserving communities.

University of Waterloo President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) Report: Educational Environment and Development of Learners - Responsibility 5-6, Recommendation #27

Ensure that prospective students, parents, supporters, and guidance counsellors are aware of SJU’s personalized admissions support and ongoing supports for students when they live and study at SJU.

Ensure that adequate attention is paid to supporting students post-arrival on campus by living out the commitments outlined in the section of this report on curriculum and programming.

Facilities and Land

Examine and improve ways in which SJU can ensure that students, staff, and faculty experience all campus spaces and buildings as places where they are welcomed, included, and supported.

Determine concrete ways in which we can honour the land on which we live, work, teach and learn, and celebrate our diverse cultures, spiritualities, and stories (e.g., artwork; the naming of buildings and spaces).

University of Waterloo President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) Report: Educational Environment and Development of Learners - Responsibility #3, Recommendation #20

Learn about the unique safety and wellness needs of various equity deserving groups, and ensure all SJU physical and digital spaces are safe and accessible and consider creating dedicated spaces for healing.

University of Waterloo President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) Report: Health and Mental Health - Responsibility #3, Recommendation #36


Ensure that the SJU campus is minimally fully AODA compliant (including online/digital resources) and that, wherever possible, this standard is exceeded.

Ensure that everyone who comes onto the SJU campus is aware of the history and meaning of the land on which SJU is situated. This could include adopting a St. Jerome’s University Land Acknowledgement with guidelines for individuals who are interested in preparing land acknowledgements that are honest and meaningful.

Provide locations on campus where students can use various forms of art to represent themselves and the diversity of their experiences.



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