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Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
RS 291 001 Special Topics - SJU in Peru

Consult department for current offerings.

Fall 2024
SMF 101 001 Introduction to Relationships and Families

This course provides an overview of couple, marital, and family relationships from a broad, interdisciplinary perspective.


Offered in a blended format with on campus and online components

Fall 2024
SMF 204 001 Introduction to Human Sexuality

This course provides a broad interdisciplinary overview of theories and research on human sexuality. Topics may include human anatomy, sexual health, sexual response cycle, sexual orientation, gender, sex work, sexual practices, fetishes and paraphilias, and attraction/intimacy/love.


Offered on campus

Fall 2024
SMF 208 001 Introduction to Systemic Therapies and Anti-Oppressive Practices

This course provides an overview of various theoretical and therapeutic practices in relational and sex therapy, and serves as an introduction to social justice, anti-oppressive, and inclusionary therapeutic practices. In doing so, the intersections of social locations such as class, culture, dis/ability, gender, and race within various social contexts are critically analyzed.


Offered on campus

Fall 2024
SMF 220 001 Research Methods

This course introduces students to the philosophy and methods of social science and humanities research, including an examination of issues and approaches to conducting research in the areas of sexuality, couples, and families.


Offered on campus

Fall 2024
SMF 241 001 Caregiving, Illness, and Relationships

In the typical health care model most of the attention is focused on the patient and their well-being, often ignoring the health, financial, and emotional impact on those who provide unpaid informal care and support - family and friends. Through the reading of memoirs, students with an interest in aging, health care, and the therapeutic professions will grapple with the profound impact that caregiving during illness has on carers and relationships across the spectrum - from young carers, to intimate partners, to adult children caring for aging parents, and beyond. Discussions will be grounded in the social, legal, and policy contexts.


Held with HHUM 241


Offered on campus

Fall 2024
SMF 301 001 Communication and Conselling Skills

This course is an examination and analysis of the theories and methods of communication as applied within the processes of individual, relational, and family consultation and counselling.


Offered on campus

Fall 2024
SMF 305 001 Social Issues and Controversies in Human Sexuality

This course will provide a detailed examination of selected issues and controversies in the area of human sexuality. Topics may include the role of sex education in schools, nature vs. nurture, censorship, and surrogate motherhood.


Offered on campus

Fall 2024
SMF 306 001 Intimate Relationships

The interpersonal dynamics involved in intimate relationships will be examined. Topics such as attraction, commitment, love, trust, dissolution, and communication will be examined from various theoretical and empirical perspectives.


Offered on campus

Fall 2024
SMF 490 001 Practicum and Professional Ethics

This course involves an assigned unpaid apprenticeship in a human services setting combined with regular seminar meetings. The practicum will require 15 hours per week. Paid or volunteer positions that are obtained outside the context of this course are not eligible for credit in this course.


Offered on campus

Fall 2024