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Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
RS 240 001 History of Christianity

The development of Christianity in its Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant traditions from the time of Christ to the present. (Cross-listed with HIST 235)

David Perrin PDF icon RS 240-HIST 235_D.Perrin_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
RS 100 001 Religions of Asia

An introduction to religious traditions of Asia, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and East Asian traditions. Further topics may include Sikhism, Jainism, and Shinto.

PDF icon RS 100_P.Campbell_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
PSYCH 354 001 Interpersonal Relationships

A psychological analysis of social interaction and the dynamics of close relationships.

John Rempel PDF icon PSYCH 354_J.Rempel_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
PSYCH 330 001 Criminal Profiling

Foundational assumptions for, and basic approaches to, criminal profiling will be considered, along with a survey of relevant techniques in the context of numerous case studies. Limitations and alternatives to profiling will also be addressed. (Cross-listed with LS 372)

Chris Burris PDF icon PSYCH 330-LS 372_C.Burris_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
PSYCH 315 001 Psychology of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood

A study of the psychological processes in the second and third decades of human development. Consideration is given to such areas as identity formation and intellectual, emotional, and social growth. Current concepts, issues, and research are stressed.

Maureen Drysdale PDF icon PSYCH 315_M.Drysdale_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
PSYCH 312 081 Learning Disabilities

A critical examination of the concept of learning disability and of current issues in the assessment and remediation of learning problems.

Maureen Drysdale PDF icon PSYCH 312-081_M.Drysdale_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
PSYCH 232 001 Psychology of Evil

Psychological perspectives concerning definitions, causes, and consequences of institutional and personal evil, as well as symbols and interpretations of evil in both religious and secular contexts, will be considered.

Chris Burris PDF icon PSYCH 232_C.Burris_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
PSYCH 230 001 Psychology and Law

Psychological principles drawn from a variety of subdisciplines (e.g., social, clinical, cognitive) will be surveyed in terms of their relevance and application to the legal system. Topics may include jury selection and decision-making, eyewitness testimony, insanity defense, competency assessment, risk assessment, and attitudes toward law and the legal process. (Cross-listed with LS 272)

PDF icon PSYCH 230-LS 272_B.Earhart_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
PSYCH 212 001 Educational Psychology

A consideration of the main variables affecting learning in the classroom with special focus upon the conditions essential to efficient learning.

PDF icon PSYCH 212_L.Manwell_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
PSYCH 101 003 Introductory Psychology

A general survey course designed to provide the student with an understanding of the basic concepts and techniques of modern psychology as a behavioural science.

PDF icon PSYCH 101_J.Wood_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019