Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
HIST 313 001 History of the Family in North America

This course will consider the history of private interactions between family members in North America, as well as the family's relationship to public forces such as politics, the law, social movements, and the economy. Other topics covered in this course include changing conventions of courtship and dating, marriage, divorce, parenthood, and childhood.

Jane Nicholas Fall 2017
HIST 291 001 Special Topics in History - Game of Thrones: Modern Medievalisms

One or more term courses will be offered from time to time as announced by the History Department. Topics will be dependent upon special research and/or instructional interests of faculty.

"These are only some of the more direct ways our society continues to reference the Middle Ages. Others include cats in horned Viking helmets, images of Joan of Arc kissing Marianne in demonstrations for gay marriage in France, and white supremacists deploying imagery and slogans from the time of the Crusades. And I haven’t even touched on all the ways fantasy books and movies and the Disney princess industry draw upon collective understandings of the medieval. All of these references touch on the Middle Ages, but few are interested in what actually happened during the period historians refer to as the European Middle Ages (c. 500-1500). What then, do they have in common? What work does the “medieval,” or “Middle Ages,” (or “Dark Ages,” “crusade,” etc.) do?"

PDF icon HIST 291_J.Komornicka_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017
HIST 210 001 History of Ancient Law

An historical introduction to law in the ancient world. Babylonian, Assyrian, Hittite, and Roman law, legal practices, and concepts will be examined.

Cross-listed with CLAS 210, LS 235

Dan Hutter PDF icon HIST-CLAS 210-LS 235_D.Hutter_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017
HIST 115 001 Crusading in the Middle Ages

This course examines the historical events and cultural assumptions that led to the European phenomenon of crusading, or holy war, between 1095 and 1453.

Cross-listed with MEDVL 115

PDF icon HIST-MEDVL 115_J.Komornicka_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017
HIST 113 001 Canadian Business History: Innovators and Entreprenuers

This course examines the role of individuals in the growth of business in Canada. While there will be general examination of Canadian economic development, the principal focus will fall upon leading Canadian business persons and their interests and innovations. The relationship to the state of business, the place of education, and the impact of immigration are other topics that the course will consider.

Catherine Briggs PDF icon HIST 113_C.Briggs_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017
HIST 103 001 Canadian History Through Biography

An examination through lectures and film of the lives of Canadian men and women who have played formative roles in developing the Canadian nation. Examples will be drawn from such areas as politics, religion, business and labour, social reform, arts and entertainment, and sports.

PDF icon HIST 103_T.Falconer_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017
FR 203 002 Introduction to Phonetics of French

An introduction to the structure of the French sound system with a view to improving pronunciation. Careful attention will be paid to the individual student's difficulties.

Kerry Lappin-Fortin PDF icon FR 203_K.Lappin-Fortin_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017
FR 192B 003 French Language 1: Module 2

An intensive French Language course. Vocabulary enrichment and development of reading, writing and oral expression.

Kerry Lappin-Fortin PDF icon FR 192B-004_K.Lappin-Fortin_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017
FR 192A 003 French Language 1: Module 1

An intensive French Language course. Vocabulary enrichment and development of reading, writing and oral expression.

Kerry Lappin-Fortin PDF icon FR 192A-003_K.Lappin-Fortin_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017
ENGL 378 001 Professional Communications in Statistics and Actuarial Science

This course introduces students to oral and written communication in the fields of Statistics and Actuarial Science. With emphasis on the public presentation of technical knowledge, the ability to give and receive constructive feedback, and communication in a collaborative environment, this course helps students develop proficiencies in critical workplace skills. This course is writing intensive and includes extensive collaborative assignments.


Cross-listed with MTHEL 300

Mark Spielmacher PDF icon ENGL 378-MTHEL 300_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017