Future Students
Image of students sitting in their room in campus
The St. Jerome’s Residence Community

Where you live is a crucial element of your first year, and choosing a residence can be a big decision! If our supportive SJU values appeal to you, you’ll want to consider St. Jerome’s Residence. Below, you will find more information on the community, facilities, room types, and more!


These pages will give you an idea of what you can look forward to. But even the thousand words a picture tells can’t convey the essence of what it feels like in person.


Are you certain that SJU is the place for you? In addition to ranking SJU first on the ‘Residence Community Ranking form’, you also have the opportunity to fill out the ‘SJU Residence Community Interest Form’ which will help us get to know you, help you learn more about SJU. Filling out this form is not mandatory but will make your name stand out on our list of residence applicants.


J.R. Finn - A Virtual Residence Tour


Siefried & Ryan Hall - A Virtual Residence Tour