Events & News
Margaret Price: Moving Together - Toward a Theory of Crip Spacetime
Margaret Price: Moving Together - Toward a Theory of Crip Spacetime
Date: Monday, February 13, 2017 to Monday, February 13, 2017
Time: 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM

Disaility and access in the academy event flyer
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In the public talk on February 13, “Moving Together: Toward a Theory of Crip Spacetime” (3:00 pm in Renison 2106), Price will present findings from interviews with disabled faculty to illustrate ways that precarity manifests for disabled faculty, but also ways that we can work toward greater justice, not only for disabled individuals, but also within the discipline of disability studies itself. Although her analysis was based on faculty members, she draws attention to information and strategies that are applicable to all members of the University community.


Who is this workshop for?

- If you haven’t already, you are likely to ask for a disability accommodation at some point in your career.


- If you aren’t already an administrator or leader who has worked with such an accommodation request, you likely will be at some point in your career.


- If you don’t already have a friend or colleague negotiating this accommodation process, you likely will at some point in your career.


- So, this workshop is for you! Please RSVP, tell the academic leaders you work with to go, and bring a colleague.


Events & News