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Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
SMF 308 041 Relational Therapy

Modern and postmodern therapeutic approaches to working clinically within relational contexts (e.g., family, romantic, other relationship configurations) are taken up. This course emphasizes cultural sensitivity, social justice, and anti-oppressive practices in therapeutic settings. Students will apply theory to practice and explore the ethical implications associated with doing clinical work.

PDF icon SMF 308_A.Toth_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
SMF 400 041 Capstone Seminar

This seminar invites students to integrate their knowledge in the domains of sexuality, relationships, and families and make connections among theories, research, and practices. The capstone focus provides students the opportunity for critical self-reflection on their university experience.

Toni Serafini PDF icon SMF 400_T.Serafini_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
SOC 229 081 Selected Topics in Criminology

Sociological analysis of research and theory on selected criminal activities. Motivation, modus operandi, and the social characteristics of offenders will be examined in relation to such specific crimes as drug and sexual offenses, theft, robbery, murder, organized crime, and/or other criminal activities.


Cross-listed with LS 229


CEL course outlines available around midterms

Carlie Leroux-Demir Winter 2021
SOC 327 081 Policing in a Democratic Society

A critical examination of the police as social control agents in contemporary democratic societies. Topics include the historical evolution of policing; police recruitment, training, and education; police/community relations; the occupational subculture of the police; police authority and discretion; private policing; and police deviance and criminality.


Cross-listed with LS 327


CEL course outlines available around midterms

Frederick Desroches Winter 2021
SOC 383 041 Endomethodology in Theory and Practice

Ethnomethodology is a study of the methods and practices people use to produce and recognize social actions. Topics may include greetings, the sex/gender distinction, science and common sense, breaching experiments, and jury deliberation.

Kieran Bonner PDF icon SOC 383_K.Bonner_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
SOC 430 041 Special Topics in Sociology: Alcohol, the Grey Zone, and Well-Being

An in-depth analysis of research in selected topics in Sociology.

Kieran Bonner PDF icon SOC 430_K.Bonner_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
ENGL 371 041 Editing Literary Works

Investigating scholarly, educational, popular, and electronic editions, this course explores the theory and practice of editing literary texts.

Tristanne Connolly PDF icon ENGL 371_T.Connolly_Fall 2020.pdf Fall 2020
ARTS 130 044, 045 Inquiry and Communication: Perspectives on Migration

This course provides an introduction to diverse intellectual modes of inquiry in the social sciences and humanities with an emphasis on the development of communication skills. In a small seminar setting, students will explore a variety of topics based on instructor expertise in order to build social awareness, ethical engagement, and communication competencies in comprehension, contextualization, and conceptualization. Students will be expected to engage with the work of others, articulate positions, situate writing and speaking within contexts, practice writing and speaking for situations beyond the classroom, engage in basic forms of research, and workshop, revise, and edit writing.


Course outline available upon request to the Scheduling Sepcialist

Sylvia Terzian Fall 2020
ARTS 140 042 Information and Analysis: How the Sausage is Made

This course introduces students to diverse ways of finding, examining, and using data and information in the social sciences and humanities. In a small seminar setting, students will explore a variety of topics based on instructor expertise in order to understand quantitative and qualitative methods of data gathering and build competencies in conceptualizing, contextualizing, and comprehending methods of information analysis. Students will be expected to investigate, use, and assess the presentation of information in their own work and the work of others so that they can better understand the range of social, ethical, and political challenges of our world.

PDF icon ARTS 140-042_L.Jang_Fall 2020.pdf Fall 2020
ARTS 140 043 Information and Analysis: Media Literacy and Research

This course introduces students to diverse ways of finding, examining, and using data and information in the social sciences and humanities. In a small seminar setting, students will explore a variety of topics based on instructor expertise in order to understand quantitative and qualitative methods of data gathering and build competencies in conceptualizing, contextualizing, and comprehending methods of information analysis. Students will be expected to investigate, use, and assess the presentation of information in their own work and the work of others so that they can better understand the range of social, ethical, and political challenges of our world.

Andrew Deman PDF icon ARTS 140-043_JA.Deman_Fall 2020.pdf Fall 2020