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Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
PHIL 283 001 Great Works: Ancient and Medieval

A historical survey of ancient and medieval philosophy in the Western tradition.


Held with CLAS 261


Offered on campus

Bruno Tremblay PDF icon PHIL 283-CLAS 261_B.Tremblay_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022
PHIL 286J 001 Great German Thinkers - Kant

An introduction to and examination of the thought of one important figure (such as Leibniz, Kant, Nietzsche, or Heidegger) or school (such as Idealism, Romanticism, or phenomenology) of German philosophy. The choice of the philosopher(s) studied varies from term to term.


Held with GER 286


Offered on campus

Nikolaj Zunic PDF icon PHIL 286J-GER 286_N.Zunic_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022
PHIL 321J 001 Philosophy of Palliative Care

An exploration of the principles and approaches of the hospice-palliative care movement as it was developed by its founders in the 20th century and as applied today. Topics may include the principles of pain and suffering management, holistic care of patients and their families, value of life at all stages, and integrating palliative care into mainstream medicine.


Offered on campus

Andrew Stumpf PDF icon PHIL 321J_A.Stumpf_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022
PHIL 327 001 Philosophy of Law

Basic themes in the philosophy of law. Issues include the nature of law and its relation to morality and politics, legal reasoning, the justification of punishment, and theories of rights, responsibility, and liability.


Held with LS 351


Offered on campus

Andrew Stumpf PDF icon PHIL 327-LS 351_A.Stumpf_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022
PSYCH 101 001 Introductory Psychology

A general survey course designed to provide the student with an understanding of the basic concepts and techniques of modern psychology as a behavioural science.


Offered on campus

PDF icon PSYCH 101_R.Blackie_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022
PSYCH 212 001 Educational Psychology

A consideration of the main variables affecting learning in the classroom with special focus upon the conditions essential to efficient learning.


Offered remotely

Maureen Drysdale PDF icon PSYCH 212_M.Drysdale_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022
PSYCH 232 001 Psychology of Evil

Psychological perspectives concerning definitions, causes, and consequences of institutional and personal evil, as well as symbols and interpretations of evil in both religious and secular contexts, will be considered.


Offered on campus

Chris Burris PDF icon PSYCH 232_C.Burris_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022
PSYCH 253 001 Social Psychology

An introduction to the scientific study of social behaviour and social influences on behaviour. Theories and research on such topics as attitude change and persuasion, stereotypes and prejudice, conformity and obedience to authority, altruism, conflict, attraction, and love may be introduced.


Offered on campus

PDF icon PSYCH 253_R.Blackie_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022
PSYCH 312 081 Learning Disabilities

A critical examination of the concept of learning disability and of current issues in the assessment and remediation of learning problems.


Offered online

Maureen Drysdale PDF icon PSYCH 312_M.Drsydale_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022
PSYCH 318 001 Psychosexual Organization

A detailed examination of concepts related to the formation of gender identity and psychosexual orientation. The nature-nurture debate will be explored as well as gay and lesbian identity and consciousness throughout the life cycle.


Offered remotely

BJ Rye PDF icon PSYCH 318_BJ.Rye_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022