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Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
HIST 210 001 History of Ancient Law

A historical introduction to law in the ancient world. Babylonian, Assyrian, Hittite, and Roman law, legal practices, and concepts will be examined.


Held with CLAS 210 and LS 235


Offered on campus

Dan Hutter PDF icon HIST 210-CLAS 210-LS 235_D.Hutter_Fall 2022.pdf Fall 2022
HIST 313 001 History of the Family in North America

This course will consider the history of private interactions between family members in North America, as well as the family's relationship to public forces such as politics, the law, social movements, and the economy. Other topics covered in this course include changing conventions of courtship and dating, marriage, divorce, parenthood, and childhood.


Offered on campus

PDF icon HIST 313_T.Barton_Fall 2022.pdf Fall 2022
HIST 389 001 Canada in World Affairs

An analytical and historical examination of Canadian foreign policy in the international system. Domestic sources of Canadian foreign policy and international sources of Canadian foreign policy are examined in detail.


Offered on campus

Ryan Touhey PDF icon HIST 389_R.Touhey_Fall 2022.pdf Fall 2022
HIST 422 002 Special Topics in History - Microhisory and the Lost People of Europe

This seminar is a special study of a selected topic in history. Please see course instructor for details.


Offered on campus in the DRAGEN Lab

Steven Bednarski PDF icon HIST 422_S.Bednarski_Fall 2022.pdf Fall 2022
HUMSC 101 001 Great Dialogues: Reflection and Action

What is the relationship between thinking and action? Do they pull us in different directions? Can they be integrated? This course investigates how our own dialogue with core texts, from antiquity (e.g., Homer, Plato, Christian Scriptures) to the present (e.g., Joyce, Arendt), offers ways of understanding the dilemmas and issues raised by these texts and present in our culture.


Offered on campus

PDF icon HUMSC 101_J.Greenwood_Fall 2022.pdf Fall 2022
ITAL 101 001, 081 Introduction to Italian Language 1

An intensive study of the fundamentals of Italian grammar and conversation.


LEC 001 offered in a blended format with on campus and online components

LEC 081 offered online

Roberta Cauchi-Santoro PDF icon ITAL 101-001_R.Cauchi-Santoro_Fall 2022.pdfPDF icon ITAL 101-081_R.Cauchi-Santoro_Fall 2022.pdf Fall 2022
ITAL 201 001 Intermediate Italian 1

Advanced study of grammar. Conversation sessions based on intermediate-level readings reflecting contemporary Italian life. Intensive practice in the spoken and written language.


Offered in a blended format - lectures are online, tutorial is on campus

Andrea Privitera PDF icon ITAL 201_A.Privitera_Fall 2022.pdf Fall 2022
ITALST 100 081 Understanding Modern Italy

This course examines Italy's transformation from Unification in 1861 to present day. Students will explore its paradoxes and challenges through films and readings on topics such as the World Wars, the rise of fascism, internal terrorism, and migration in order to gain an understanding of contemporary Italian society and culture.


Offered online

Andrea Privitera PDF icon ITALST 100_A.Privitera_Fall 2022.pdf Fall 2022
ITALST 120 001 Italian Cinema

This is a survey of the most representative works of Italian cinema, from the early 20th century to present day. Students will gain an understanding and appreciation of one of the most influential world cinemas. Special attention will be given to cinematic movements, the role of directors, and cult movies.


Offered on campus

Yuri Sangalli PDF icon ITALST 120_Y.Sangalli_Fall 2022.pdf Fall 2022
ITALST 265 001 The Mafia

This course analyzes the visual media representation of the Mafia in North America and the manner in which it often glorifies the Italian Mafiosi's lifestyle. The goal is to deconstruct the romanticized portrayal of the Italian and Italian-American gangster created in visual media by analyzing atrocities committed by organized crime.


Offered on campus

Alessia Ursella PDF icon ITALST 265_A.Ursella_Fall 2022.pdf Fall 2022