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Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
ENGL 371 001 Editing Literary Works

Investigating scholarly, educational, popular, and electronic editions, this course explores the theory and practice of editing literary texts.

Tristanne Connolly PDF icon ENGL 371_T.Connolly_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017
ENGL 347 001 American Literature Since 1945

A study of the movements of American Literature following the second world war. The course will consider the formal and cultural diversity of writing in this period, with attention to topics such as avant-garde experiment, the persistence of realism, counter-cultural politics, feminism and literature, postmodernism, and the emergence of minority writers in the mainstream.

Chad Wriglesworth PDF icon ENGL 347_C.Wriglesworth_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017
ENGL 335 001 Creative Writing 1

Aimed at encouraging students to develop their creative and critical potentials, the course consists of supervised practice, tutorials, and seminar discussions.

Claire Tacon PDF icon ENGL 335_C.Tacon_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017
ENGL 310B 001 Chaucer 2

A study of Geoffrey Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales".

Norm Klassen PDF icon ENGL 310B_N.Klassen_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017
ENGL 305A 001 Old English 1

An introduction to the English language in its earliest form and to English prose in pre-Conquest England, examining Old English prose style, its principal practitioners, and their world view.

PDF icon ENGL 305A_P.Zettel_Fall 2017.pdfPDF icon ENGL 305A Schedule_P.Zettel_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017
ENGL 251A 001, 003 Criticism 1

An introduction to strategies of reading, interpretation, and analysis of literary and non-literary texts, focusing on narrative, poetics, discourse, and rhetoric, and the acquisition of critical vocabulary.

Carol Acton, Sylvia Terzian PDF icon ENGL 251A-001_C.Acton_Fall 2017.pdfPDF icon ENGL 251A-003_S.Terzian_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017
ENGL 213 001 Literature and the Law

A study of literary works that involve legal matters and/or have led to litigation on such grounds as obscenity, treason, heresy, libel, and plagiarism.


Cross-listed with LS 292


Veronica Austen PDF icon ENGL 213-LS 292_V.Austen_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017
ENGL 210I 001 Legal Writing

A study of the principles, processes, and various forms of writing used in the practice of law and drafting of legislation. The history and structure of legal writing, including current debates about plain language, will be examined.


Cross-listed with LS 291

Ryan Devitt PDF icon ENGL 210I-LS 291_R.Devitt_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017
ENGL 210H 001 Arts Writing

A study of the various forms, processes, and modes of publication of professional writing in the arts. The course will consider both free-lance writing and writing within institutional contexts. Practice in research, writing, and editing will be emphasized.

Paul Challen PDF icon ENGL 210H_P.Challen_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017
ENGL 208A 001 Forms of Fantasy

A study of fantasy literature, including some subgenres such as romances, fairy tales, fables, and gothic and horror fiction.

Mark Spielmacher PDF icon ENGL 208A_M.Spielmacher_Fall 2017.pdf Fall 2017