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Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
PHIL 200J 001 Aristotelian Logic

An introduction to the understanding of how words are used, the formation of propositions, the construction of arguments and the examination of fallacies to help the student argue with order, facility and without error.

Stéphanie Grégoire Winter 2018
PHIL 207J 001 Philosophy and J.R.R. Tolkien

An introduction to the implicit philosophical content of Tolkien's works, with a special emphasis on Lord of the Rings. Problems such as the existence of God, fate, free will, evil, death, and technology will be explored. Tolkien's views will be examined in relation to philosophical works.

Bruno Tremblay Winter 2018
PHIL 210J 001 Human Nature

What is a human being? The course examines this question from a philosophical perspective. Topics to be covered may include the soul, the body, emotions, the intellect, the will, relationships, sex, and human dignity.

Nikolaj Zunic Winter 2018
PHIL 215 004 Professional and Business Ethics

Study of ethical and moral issues that typically arise in professional and business activity. What responsibilities to society at large do people in such business and professional activities as teaching, engineering, planning, architecture, and accounting have? How far should professional autonomy extend?

Andrew Stumpf Winter 2018
PHIL 284 001 Great Works: Modern

A historical survey of modern philosophy in the Western tradition.

Nikolaj Zunic Winter 2018
PHIL 327 001 Philosophy of Law

Basic themes in the philosophy of law. Issues include the nature of law and its relation to morality and politics, legal reasoning, the justification of punishment, and theories of rights, responsibility and liability.


Cross-listed with LS 351

Stéphanie Grégoire Winter 2018
PSYCH 101 003 Introductory Psychology

A general survey course designed to provide the student with an understanding of the basic concepts and techniques of modern psychology as a behavioural science.

Winter 2018
PSYCH 218 001 Psychology of Death and Dying

Variations in the meaning and significance of death and dying will be considered from a psychological perspective, with particular attention to the contexts (e.g., cultural, familial, life-span developmental) in which these variations occur.


Cross-listed with GERON 218, HLTH 218

Chris Burris Winter 2018
PSYCH 230 001 Psychology and Law

Psychological principles drawn from a variety of subdisciplines (e.g., social, clinical, cognitive) will be surveyed in terms of their relevance and application to the legal system. Topics may include jury selection and decision-making, eyewitness testimony, insanity defense, competency assessment, risk assessment, and attitudes toward law and the legal process.


Cross-listed with LS 272

John Rempel Winter 2018
PSYCH 312 001 Learning Disabilities

A critical examination of the concept of learning disability and of current issues in the assessment and remediation of learning problems.

Winter 2018