Find Your Course
Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
HIST 236 001 Law and Society in the Middle Ages

A study of the laws and legal procedures of the Middle Ages. This course examines the relationship between legal procedures and institutions and the medieval societies that produced them.


Held with LS 236


Offered on campus

Dan Hutter PDF icon HIST 236-LS 236_D.Hutter_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
HIST 254 001 Canada Since 1867: A New Nation

This course examines Confederation, the rise of political parties, Canadian external relations, western discontent, the impact of both World Wars, and political and economic changes in Canada since 1867.


Offered on campus

Ryan Touhey PDF icon HIST 254_R.Touhey_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
HIST 260 001 Medieval Europe c.300-c.1500

The political, cultural, economic, and ecclesiastical development of Europe from the fall of the Roman Empire to the end of the high middle ages.


Held with MEDVL 260


Offered on campus

Eduardo Fabbro PDF icon HIST 260-MEDVL 260_E.Fabbro_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
HIST 318 001 The History of Sexuality: The Modern Period

This seminar introduces students to the history of sexuality. The course focuses on the 19th and 20th centuries.


Held with SMF 318


Offered on campus


Course outline available by request only

Catherine Briggs Winter 2023
HIST 391 002 Special Topics in History - Cold War Canada

One or more term courses will be offered from time to time as announced by the History Department. Topics will be dependent upon special research and/or instructional interests of faculty.


Offered on campus

Ryan Touhey PDF icon HIST 391-002_R.Touhey_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
HIST 450 001 Making History

This course challenges students with an opportunity to synthesize and showcase, at a high level of achievement, the disciplinary skills and knowledge they have gained during the course of their studies in History. It encourages students to pursue individual research interests and presentation formats as limited only by historical methodology, academic rigour, and the consent of the instructor. Course focus may be shaped by instructor expertise.


Offered on campus

Ryan Touhey PDF icon HIST 450_R.Touhey_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
ITAL 101 081 Introduction to Italian Language 1

An intensive study of the fundamentals of Italian grammar and conversation.


Offered online

Andrea Privitera PDF icon ITAL 101-081_A.Privitera_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
ITAL 102 001 Introduction to Italian Language 2

A continuation of ITAL 101, with more emphasis on conversation and everyday uses of language.


Offered on campus

Roberta Cauchi-Santoro PDF icon ITAL 102_R.cauchi-Santoro_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
ITAL 202 001 Intermediate Italian 2

A continuation of ITAL 201.


Offered in a blended format with online lectures in collatoration with University of Guelph and on campus labs at St. Jerome's University


Course outline available through the University of Guelph Italian department

Roberta Cauchi-Santoro Winter 2023
ITALST 100 081 Understanding Modern Italy

This course examines Italy's transformation from Unification in 1861 to present day. Students will explore its paradoxes and challenges through films and readings on topics such as the World Wars, the rise of fascism, internal terrorism, and migration in order to gain an understanding of contemporary Italian society and culture.


Offered online

Yuri Sangalli PDF icon ITALST 100-081_Y.Sangalli_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023