Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
SOC 327 081 Policing in a Democratic Society

A critical examination of the police as social control agents in contemporary democratic societies. Topics include the historical evolution of policing; police recruitment, training, and education; police/community relations; the occupational subculture of the police; police authority and discretion; private policing; and police deviance and criminality.

Cross-listed with LS 327

Frederick Desroches Winter 2020
SOC 229 001, 081 Selected Topics in Criminology

Sociological analysis of research and theory on selected criminal activities. Motivation, modus operandi, and the social characteristics of offenders will be examined in relation to such specific crimes as drug and sexual offenses, theft, robbery, murder, organized crime, and/or other criminal activities.

Cross-listed with LS 229

Carlie Leroux-Demir PDF icon SOC 229-LS 229_C.Leroux_Winter 2020.pdf Winter 2020
SMF 491 001 Practicum and Applied Theory

This course involves the continuation of the SMF 490 practicum placement along with weekly seminar meetings that focus on integration of theory and practice.

Department Consent Required

Carm De Santis PDF icon SMF 490-491_C.DeSantis_Winter 2020.pdf Winter 2020
SMF 400 001 Capstone Seminar

This seminar invites students to integrate their knowledge in the domains of sexuality, relationships, and families and make connections among theories, research, and practices. The capstone focus provides students the opportunity for critical self-reflection on their university experience.

Toni Serafini Winter 2020
SMF 309 001 Sex Therapy

This course examines therapeutic approaches and clinical issues when working with sexuality related problems. Research and theoretical issues in the field of sex therapy will be discussed and applied to clinical contexts. The applied focus enables students to connect clinical theory and ethical issues to practice.

Carm De Santis Winter 2020
SMF 307 001 Conflict, Crisis, and Dissolution in Close Relationships

Families and close relationships are among the most important and valued human experiences, but they can also be the source of much conflict and pain. This course will examine the dark side of close relationships, with a focus on topics such as conflict and conflict resolution, family violence, poverty, separation and divorce, illness, and death and bereavement.

Denise Whitehead Winter 202
SMF 230 001 Introduction to Statistics in SMF

The goal of this introductory statistics course is to help students understand the logic and appropriate application of commonly used descriptive and inferential statistics, with examples drawn from various disciplines relevant to sexuality, marriage, and family studies.

PDF icon SMF 230_C.Quinn-Nilas_Winter 2020.pdf Winter 2020
SMF 212 001 Navigating Sexuality and Relationships in Mid/Later Life

This course reviews the process of navigating relationships and sexuality as persons age. Topics may include physical/biological changes, desire, youth-focused culture, relationship dissolution, dating, and technologies.

Stacey Jacobs PDF icon SMF 212_S.Jacobs_Winter 2020.pdf Winter 2020
SMF 211 001 Dynamics of Dating

This course examines the dynamics of intimate relationships in the context of the modern, Western construct of dating. Topics explored may include long-distance relationships, polyamorous relationships, online dating, hook-up culture, shifting romantic and family formation dynamics, modern communications and technology, and the role of pop culture in dating trends.

Toni Serafini Winter 2020
SMF 207 001 Parents, Children, and Family Relations

This course examines caregiver/parent-child relationships from a broad interdisciplinary perspective over the lifespan. Topics may include: the transition to parenthood, parenting practices and their intersection with child/adult development, social and cultural influences on families with children, same-sex parenting, gender variance/fluidity and family relationships, family relations after parental separation, and care of aging parents.

Angela Underhill PDF icon SMF 207_A.Underhill_Winter 2020.pdf Winter 2020