Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
SOC 436 001 Alcohol and Well-Being

This seminar examines the relation between well-being, culture, alcohol consumption, and regulation from an interpretive focus. Topics addressed may include health, Alcoholics Anonymous, addiction vs. dependence, prohibition, and social discourses around alcohol consumption.


Offered on campus

Fall 2023
ARTS 290 001 Special Topics in Arts Disciplines - SJU in Peru

This course is open to SJU in Peru students only. Department Consent Required. Contact Michelle Metzger for more information.

Cristina Vanin PDF icon ARTS 290-RS 291_C.Vanin_Spring 2023.pdf Spring 2023
ENGL 322 001 Postcolonial Literature of the Americas

This course examines postcolonial literature in English from Canada, the U.S., and the Caribbean. Through study of both written and oral genres, we will discuss how language practices adapt to and are created in colonial and postcolonial contexts. Topics may include diaspora and migration, nationalism, gender, neo-colonialism, and multiculturalism.


Offered on campus


Course outline available by request only

Sylvia Terzian Spring 2023
ENGL 362 081 Shakespeare 1

A study of the plays written before 1599-1600, excluding Julius Caesar.


Held with THPERF 386


Offered online

Alysia Kolentsis PDF icon ENGL 362-THPERF 386-081_A.Kolentsis_Spring 2023.pdf Spring 2023
ENGL 364 001 Shakespeare in Performance at The Stratford Festival

A historical, theoretical, and analytical introduction to Shakespeare's plays in performance, both on stage and screen, this course focuses on specific problems and decisive issues of past productions and of those in the current Stratford Festival season.


Block course offered from June 5-17, 2023


Offered off campus at The Stratford Festival

Alysia Kolentsis PDF icon ENGL 364_A.Kolentsis_Spring 2023.pdf Spring 2023
ENGL 367 001 Voice and Text at The Stratford Festival

Taught by faculty and Stratford Festival coaches, this practical course invites students to explore acting techniques and exercises to develop their stage voice with a particular focus on Shakespeare's plays. This is a block course that meets in Stratford for two weeks in May, and may be taken with ENGL 364, as the two courses are offered at complementary times. The course is offered as part of a consortium with faculty from five universities. Students are required to arrange their own transportation to Stratford.


Block course offered from June 5-17, 2023


Offered off campus at The Stratford Festival

Alysia Kolentsis PDF icon ENGL 367_A.Kolentsis_Spring 2023.pdf Spring 2023
ENGL 378 001, 002, 003, 004, 005 Professional Communications in Statistics and Actuarial Science

This course introduces students to oral and written communication in the fields of statistics and actuarial science. With emphasis on the public presentation of technical knowledge, the ability to give and receive constructive feedback, and communication in a collaborative environment, this course helps students develop proficiencies in critical workplace skills. This course is writing intensive and includes extensive collaborative assignments.


Offered on campus

Mark Spielmacher, Diana Lobb, Jesse Hutchison PDF icon ENGL 378-001_M.Spielmacher_Spring 2023.pdfPDF icon ENGL 378-002_D.Lobb_Spring 2023.pdfPDF icon ENGL 378-003 004 005_J.Hutchison_Spring 2023.pdf Spring 2023
FR 276 081 Introduction to Literature: Quebec and French Canada

A study of selected contemporary literary works of French Canada.


Offered online

Maria Petrescu PDF icon FR 276-081_M.Petrescu_Spring 2023.pdf Spring 2023
ITAL 101 081 Introduction to Italian Language 1

An intensive study of the fundamentals of Italian grammar and conversation.


Offered online

Andrea Privitera PDF icon ITAL 101-081_A.Privitera_Spring 2023.pdf Spring 2023
ITAL 102 081 Introduction to Italian Language 2

A continuation of ITAL 101, with more emphasis on conversation and everyday uses of language.


Offered online

Yuri Sangalli PDF icon ITAL 102-081_Y.Sangalli_Spring 2023.pdf Spring 2023