Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
ENGL 306A 001 Introduction to Linguistics

Introduction to linguistics and the principles of linguistic analysis through an examination of English phonology, forms, syntax, and discourse.

Elena Afros PDF icon ENGL 306A_E.Afros_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
ENGL 251 002 Literary Theory and Criticism

What exactly are we doing when we study literature? By examining a selection of critical methods and theoretical approaches, this course will enhance understanding of the many different emphases, values, and priorities critics bring to literature, and the many available perspectives on what constitutes literature's significance.

Norm Klassen PDF icon ENGL 251-002_N.Klassen_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
ENGL 213 001 Literature and the Law

A study of literary works that involve legal matters and/or have led to litigation on such grounds as obscenity, treason, heresy, libel, and plagiarism.


Cross-listed with LS 292

Veronica Austen PDF icon ENGL 213-LS 292_V.Austen_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
ENGL 208B 001 Science Fiction

Various examples drawn, for instance, from Utopian and anti-Utopian science fiction, social science fiction, "gadget" science fiction, parapsychology, and alternate worlds and beings will be considered. Some attention will be given to the historical development of the genre.

Andrew Deman PDF icon ENGL 208B_JA.Deman_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
ENGL 201 001 The Short Story

This course deals with the history and techniques of the short story, with emphasis upon works by such British, American, and Canadian writers as Henry James, James Joyce, D.H. Lawrence, Ernest Hemingway, and Alice Munro.

Chad Wriglesworth PDF icon ENGL 201_C.Wriglesworth_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
ENGL 200B 001, 002 Survey of British Literature 2

An historical survey of major figures, types, and trends in British literature from the late 18th century to the present.

David-Antoine Williams, Norm Klassen PDF icon ENGL 200B-002_N.Klassen_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
ENGL 119 001, 002, 003, 004 Communications in Mathematics and Computer Science

This course aims to build students' oral and written communication skills to prepare them for academic and workplace demands. Working independently and in collaboration with others, students will analyze and produce various written and spoken forms of communication. Projects and assignments will draw on materials for Mathematics and Computer Science students.

Mark Spielmacher, Sylvia Terzian, Diana Lobb PDF icon ENGL 119-001_M.Spielmacher_Winter 2019.pdfPDF icon ENGL 119-003_M.Spielmacher_Winter 2019.pdfPDF icon ENGL 119-004_D.Lobb_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
ENGL 108X 001 Literature and Medicine

How can literature help us understand the body, illness, and healing? The course considers the perspectives of patients and medical practitioners across a range of works, including poetry, fiction, medical texts, and other nonfiction.

Carol Acton PDF icon ENGL 108X_C.Acton_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
ENGL 108F 001 The Rebel

A study of various works of literature in which the protagonist is a rebel against existing norms. The course will examine a number of rebel types and concepts, moral implications, and final outcomes either in successful realization or in tragic defeat.

Diana Lobb PDF icon ENGL 108F_D.Lobb_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
ARTS 290 002 Second-Year Topics in Arts: Foundations of Student Leadership

This topics course will be offered from time to time by particular disciplines in Arts, to cover areas of emerging research and teaching interest.

Cristina Vanin Winter 2019