Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
LS 402 041, 042 Perspectives on Legal Authority and Subjectivity

This seminar explores the relation between those who make or administer law and select legal subjects whose lives and identities are shaped by law. Students will debate and assess selected perspectives while touching on various disciplines spanning the social sciences and humanities.

Susan Dianne Brophy PDF icon LS 402-041, 042_S.Brophy_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
PHIL 100J 041 Introduction to Philosophy

This course seeks to introduce students to the nature of philosophy. This is done through the examination of core texts and figures in the history of philosophy as well as in the discussion of perennial philosophical questions.

Bruno Tremblay PDF icon PHIL 100J_B.Tremblay_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
PHIL 118J 041 Virtue and the Good Life

An examination of the importance of virtue in general and of the cardinal virtues in particular (practical wisdom, justice, courage, and moderation) for the development of moral character and the enjoyment of the good life.

Stéphanie Grégoire PDF icon PHIL 118J_S.Gregoire_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
PHIL 145 082 Critical Thinking

An analysis of basic types of reasoning, structure of arguments, critical assessment of information, common fallacies, problems of clarity and meaning.


CEL course outlines available around midterms

Nikolaj Zunic Winter 2021
PHIL 210J 041 Human Nature

What is a human being? The course examines this question from a philosophical perspective. Topics to be covered may include the soul, the body, emotions, the intellect, the will, relationships, sex, and human dignity.

Nikolaj Zunic PDF icon PHIL 210J_N.Zunic_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
PHIL 215 084 Professional and Business Ethics

Study of ethical and moral issues that typically arise in professional and business activity. What responsibilities to society at large do people in such business and professional activities as teaching, engineering, planning, architecture, and accounting have? How far should professional autonomy extend?


St. Jerome's section is not open to ARBUS students.

CEL course outlines available around midterms

Andrew Stumpf Winter 2021
PHIL 220J 041 Philosophy of Friendship

Friendship is an essential part of a happy life. Ancient western philosophers made friendship one of the cornerstones of their ethics. This course is an exploration of their views on problems such as the necessity of friendship, its nature, its species, and its relationship to happiness and the political community.


Held with CLAS 220

Stéphanie Grégoire PDF icon PHIL 220J-CLAS 220_S.Gregoire_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
PHIL 262J 041 Postmodernist Philosophy

A critical examination of postmodernism as a philosophical movement that has profoundly influenced the contemporary world. The course will introduce students to the main tenets of postmodernist philosophy in areas such as rationality, morality, politics, religion, art, and culture.

Nikolaj Zunic PDF icon PHIL 262J_N.Zunic_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
PHIL 283 041 Great Works: Ancient and Medieval

A historical survey of ancient and medieval philosophy in the Western tradition.


Held with CLAS 261

Bruno Tremblay PDF icon PHIL 283-CLAS 261_B.Tremblay_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
PHIL 321J 041 The Philosophy of Palliative Care

An exploration of the principles and approaches of the hospice-palliative care movement as it was developed by its founders in the 20th century and as applied today. Topics may include the principles of pain and suffering management, holistic care of patients and their families, value of life at all stages, and integrating palliative care into mainstream medicine.

Andrew Stumpf PDF icon PHIL 321J_A.Stumpf_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021