Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
PSYCH 357 001 Psychology of Good

What does it mean to "be good"? How does one "do good"? What makes "doing good" easier or harder? This course examines (1) the biological and psychosocial foundations of prosocial behaviour and (2) associated facilitators and obstacles at both interpersonal and organizational levels. Topics may include empathy, social responsibility, volunteerism, community intervention, activism, and heroism.


Offered on campus

Chris Burris, John Rempel PDF icon PSYCH 357_C.Burris and J.Rempel_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022
PSYCH 455 001 Honours Seminar in Social Psychology - Psychology of Men

Topics reflect current issues in social psychology. Consult the departmental listings for the upcoming topics. Activities may include oral presentations, class discussions, individual and/or group projects, and written assignments.


Offered on campus

Chris Burris PDF icon PSYCH 455_C.Burris_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022
RS 121 081 Evil

How do the religions of the world define evil? How do they suggest it can be overcome? Classical and modern writers from Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism will be considered.


Offered online

Carmen Celestini PDF icon RS 121-081_C.Celestini_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022
RS 251 001 Catholic Social Thought

This course will explore the origins, development, and contemporary challenges to Catholic social thought. The main focus will be on the critical and global influences of the past 100 years.


Offered on campus

Cristina Vanin PDF icon RS 251_C.Vanin_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022
SMF 101 001 Introduction to Relationships and Families

This course provides an overview of couple, marital, and family relationships from a broad, interdisciplinary perspective.


Offered remotely

Angela Underhill PDF icon SMF 101_A.Underhill_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022
SMF 204 001 Introduction to Human Sexuality

This course provides a broad interdisciplinary overview of theories and research on human sexuality. Topics may include: human anatomy, sexual health, sexual response cycle, sexual orientation, gender, sex work, sexual practices, fetishes and paraphilias, and attraction/intimacy/love.


Offered remotely

BJ Rye PDF icon SMF 204_BJ.Rye_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022
SMF 205 001 The Dark Side of Sexuality

As with all profound and meaningful human activities, sexuality has the potential to involve harm, manipulation, and abuse. This course offers a theoretical and empirical examination of the dark side of human sexuality. Topics may include sex work, pornography, sexual violence and abuse, incest, compulsive sexual behaviour, and paraphilias.


Offered on campus

John Rempel PDF icon SMF 205_J.Rempel_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022
SMF 207 001 Parents, Children, and Family Relations

This course examines caregiver/parent-child relationships from a broad interdisciplinary perspective over the lifespan. Topics may include: the transition to parenthood, parenting practices and their intersection with child/adult development, social and cultural influences on families with children, same-sex parenting, gender variance/fluidity and family relationships, family relations after parental separation, and care of aging parents.


Offered on campus

Angela Underhill PDF icon SMF 207_A.Underhill_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022
SMF 211 001 Dynamics of Dating

This course examines the dynamics of intimate relationships in the context of the modern, Western construct of dating. Topics explored may include long-distance relationships, polyamorous relationships, online dating, hook-up culture, shifting romantic and family formation dynamics, modern communications and technology, and the role of pop culture in dating trends.


Offered on campus


Course outline available by request only

Toni Serafini Winter 2022
SMF 305 001 Social Issues and Controversies in Human Sexuality

This course will provide a detailed examination of selected issues and controversies in the area of human sexuality. Topics may include the role of sex education in schools, nature vs. nurture, censorship, and surrogate motherhood.


Offered on campus

Angela Underhill PDF icon SMF 305_A.Underhill_Winter 2022.pdf Winter 2022