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Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
ITALST 292 041 Italian Culture and Civilization 2

A survey of developments in Italian culture - history, literature, painting, and music - in the post-Renaissance period, with emphasis on modern Italy.

Yuri Sangalli PDF icon ITALST 292_Y.Sangalli_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
LS 101 041, 081 Introduction to Legal Studies

An introduction to the study of law, its structure, and legal institutions from a cross-cultural and historical perspective. This interdisciplinary course examines the origins of legal systems and their impact on society. Included is an analysis of the diverse historical, political, economic, and cultural conditions under which law arises and functions within society.


CEL course outline to be posted around midterms

Anastasia Tataryn, Frederick Desroches PDF icon LS 101-041_A.Tataryn_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
LS 202 041 Criminal Law

A case-study approach to the study of criminal law in Canada with a focus on basic concepts and core principles relating to legal judgements along with comparative examination between civil and criminal law and attention to legal theory.

Carlie Leroux-Demir PDF icon LS 202_C.Leroux-Demir_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
LS 229 081 Selected Topics in Criminology

Sociological analysis of research and theory on selected criminal activities. Motivation, modus operandi, and the social characteristics of offenders will be examined in relation to such specific crimes as drug and sexual offenses, theft, robbery, murder, organized crime, and/or other criminal activities.


Held with SOC 229


CEL course outlines posted around midterms

Carlie Leroux-Demir Winter 2021
LS 236 041 Law and Society in the Middle Ages

A study of the laws and legal procedures of the Middle Ages. This course examines the relationship between legal procedures and institutions and the medieval societies that produced them.


Held with HIST 236

Dan Hutter PDF icon HIST 236-LS 236_D.Hutter_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
LS 272 041 Psychology and Law

Psychological principles drawn from a variety of subdisciplines (e.g., social, clinical, cognitive) will be surveyed in terms of their relevance and application to the legal system. Topics may include jury selection and decision-making, eyewitness testimony, insanity defense, competency assessment, risk assessment, and attitudes toward law and the legal process.


Held with PSYCH 230

John Rempel PDF icon PSYCH 230-LS 272_J.Rempel_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
LS 286 041 Law in Popular Culture

Much is at stake in how law is portrayed in paintings, literature, music, television, and movies. In this course students will draw on a range of disciplines in the social sciences and humanities to study how law is represented in popular culture, and how these representations, in turn, impact how we view law.


Course outline available upon request to the Scheduling Sepcialist

Winter 2021
LS 327 081 Policing in a Democratic Society

A critical examination of the police as social control agents in contemporary democratic societies. Topics include the historical evolution of policing; police recruitment, training, and education; police/community relations; the occupational subculture of the police; police authority and discretion; private policing; and police deviance and criminality.


Held with SOC 327


CEL course outlines available around midterms

Frederick Desroches Winter 2021
LS 351 041 Philosophy of Law

Basic themes in the philosophy of law. Issues include the nature of law and its relation to morality and politics, legal reasoning, the justification of punishment, and theories of rights, responsibility, and liability.


Held with PHIL 327

Stéphanie Grégoire PDF icon PHIL 327-LS 351_S.Gregoire_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
LS 401 041, 042 Law, Culture, and Rights

This seminar explores the intersection of culture and rights from a legal studies perspective in order to better understand the diversity of ways that law shapes our society, and vice versa. Students will debate and assess selected topics from the perspective of various disciplines spanning the social sciences and humanities.

Anastasia Tataryn PDF icon LS 401-041, 042_A.Tataryn_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021