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Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
HIST 103 041 Canadian History Through Biography

An examination through lectures and films of the lives of Canadian men and women who have played formative roles in developing the Canadian nation. Examples will be drawn from such areas as politics, religion, business and labour, social reform, arts and entertainment, and sports.

PDF icon HIST 103_M.Wiseman_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
HIST 235 041 History of Christianity

The development of Christianity in its Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant traditions from the time of Christ to the present.


Held with RS 240

David Perrin PDF icon RS 240-HIST 235_D.Perrin_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
HIST 236 041 Law and Society in the Middle Ages

A study of the laws and legal procedures of the Middle Ages. This course examines the relationship between legal procedures and institutions and the medieval societies that produced them.


Held with LS 236

Dan Hutter PDF icon HIST 236-LS 236_D.Hutter_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
HIST 260 041 Europe: 410-1303

The political, cultural, economic, and ecclesiastical development of Europe from the fall of the Roman Empire to the end of the High Middle Ages.


Held with MEDVL 260

Eduardo Fabbro PDF icon HIST 260-MEDVL 260_E.Fabbro_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
HIST 304 041 Heresy and Religious Crises in Late Medieval Europe

An exploration of the impact of social crises on late medieval religious modes of expression. Topics will include the Great Famine, the Black Death, the Avignon Papacy and Western Schism, the development of heretical movements, and the eventual disintegration of European religious unity.


Held with MEDVL 304, RS 342

PDF icon HIST 304-MEDVL 304-RS 342_N.Must_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
HIST 422 041 Special Topics in History - Microhistory: Storytelling and the Past

This seminar is a special study of a selected topic in history. Please see course instructor for details.

Steven Bednarski PDF icon HIST 422_S.Bednarski_Winter 2021_web version.pdf Winter 2021
ITAL 101 041 Introduction to Italian Language 1

An intensive study of the fundamentals of grammar and conversation. The language laboratory will be used.

Roberta Cauchi-Santoro PDF icon ITAL 101_R.Cauchi-Santoro_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
ITAL 102 041 Introduction to Italian Language 2

A continuation of ITAL 101, with more emphasis on conversation and everyday uses of language.

Yuri Sangalli PDF icon ITAL 102_Y.Sangalli_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
ITAL 201 041 Intermediate Italian 1

Advanced study of grammar. Conversation sessions based on intermediate-level readings reflecting contemporary Italian life. Intensive practice in the spoken and written language.

Andrea Privitera PDF icon ITAL 201_A.Privitera_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021
ITALST 111 041 Women, Family, Sex, and Tradition

The course studies the themes of family, sex, and tradition as well as violence and identity as they are addressed in the art, the cinema, and the literature of Italian women.

Roberta Cauchi-Santoro PDF icon ITALST 111_R.Cauchi-Santoro_Winter 2021.pdf Winter 2021