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Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
ENGL 325 001 Austen

A study of selected novels by Jane Austen, including Pride and Prejudice and Emma. Her letters and juvenilia may also be considered, as well as some of the films based on or inspired by her novels.


Offered remotely

Tristanne Connolly PDF icon ENGL 325_T.Connolly_Fall 2021.pdf Fall 2021
ENGL 332 001 Topics in Creative Writing - Writers on Creative Writing

This course will focus on a selected genre, approach, creative method, or other aspect of creative writing. Please see course instructor for details.


Offered remotely

Chad Wriglesworth PDF icon ENGL 332_C.Wriglesworth_Fall 2021.pdf Fall 2021
ENGL 335 001 Creative Writing 1

Designed to assist students with an interest in developing their creative writing skills in various genres, this course consists of supervised practice, discussions of craft, and peer critiques.


Offered remotely

Claire Tacon PDF icon ENGL 335_C.Tacon_Fall 2021.pdf Fall 2021
ENGL 362 081 Shakespeare 1

A study of the plays written before 1599-1600, excluding Julius Caesar.

Held with THPERF 386


Offered online

Alysia Kolentsis PDF icon ENGL 362-THPERF 386-081_A.Kolentsis_Fall 2021.pdf Fall 2021
ENGL 371 001 Editing Literary Works

Investigating scholarly, educational, popular, and electronic editions, this course explores the theory and practice of editing literary texts.


Offered remotely

Tristanne Connolly PDF icon ENGL 371_T.Connolly_Fall 2021.pdf Fall 2021
ENGL 378 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007 Professional Communications in Statistics and Actuarial Science

This course introduces students to oral and written communication in the fields of statistics and actuarial science. With emphasis on the public presentation of technical knowledge, the ability to give and receive constructive feedback, and communication in a collaborative environment, this course helps students develop proficiencies in critical workplace skills. This course is writing intensive and includes extensive collaborative assignments.

Held with MTHEL 300


Offered remotely (001-004, 006-007) and on campus (005)

Mark Spielmacher, Sylvia Terzian, Andrew Deman, Diana Lobb PDF icon ENGL 378-MTHEL 300-001-002_M.Spielmacher_Fall 2021.pdfPDF icon ENGL 378-MTHEL 300-004_A.Deman_Fall 2021.pdfPDF icon ENGL 378-MTHEL 300-005_D.Lobb_Fall 2021.pdfPDF icon ENGL 378-MTHEL 300-006-007_D.Lobb_Fall 2021.pdf Fall 2021
ENGL 460D 001 Contemporary Literature of the United Kingdom and Ireland

A study of the contemporary literatures of the United Kingdom and Ireland, including such writers as Byatt, Boland, Drabble, Heaney, Hughes, Rushdie, and Stoppard.


Offered remotely

David-Antoine Williams Fall 2021
FR 192A 083 French Language 1: Module 1

An intensive French Language course. Vocabulary enrichment and development of reading, writing, and oral expression.


Offered online

PDF icon FR 192A-081_AS.Troit_Fall 2021.pdf Fall 2021
FR 251 081 French Language 2: Module 1

Intensive work on grammar and written French.


Offered online

PDF icon FR 251-081_AS.Troit_Fall 2021.pdf Fall 2021
HIST 103 001 Canadian History Through Biography

An examination through lectures and films of the lives of Canadian men and women who have played formative roles in developing the Canadian nation. Examples will be drawn from such areas as politics, religion, business and labour, social reform, arts and entertainment, and sports.


Offered on campus

Jane Nicholas Fall 2021