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Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
PSYCH 354 001 Interpersonal Relations

A psychological analysis of social interaction and the dynamics of close relationships.


Offered on campus

Winter 2024
PSYCH 357 001 Psychology of Good

What does it mean to "be good"? How does one "do good"? What makes "doing good" easier or harder? This course examines (1) the biological and psychosocial foundations of prosocial behaviour and (2) associated facilitators and obstacles at both interpersonal and organizational levels. Topics may include empathy, social responsibility, volunteerism, community intervention, activism, and heroism.


Offered on campus

Winter 2024
PSYCH 455 001 Honours Seminar in Social Psychology - The Psychology of Religion

Topics reflect current issues in social psychology. Consult the departmental listings for the upcoming topics. Activities may include oral presentations, class discussions, individual and/or group projects, and written assignments.


Offered on campus

Winter 2024
RS 121 081 Evil

How do the religions of the world define evil? How do they suggest it can be overcome? Classical and modern writers from Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism will be considered.


Offered online

Winter 2024
RS 220 001 Religion and Politics

Religion continues to influence politics around the world as seen in the return of religious nationalism, religious opposition to globalization, populism and religion, and grassroots political movements for social change. Considering both historical and contemporary cases, students critically analyze how religion shapes - and is shaped by - politics.


Held with PSCI 253


Offered on campus

Winter 2024
RS 288 001 Health, Medicine, and Spirituality

This course examines how spirituality and religion have informed approaches to health and medicine from the 19th century to the present, including understandings of disease, illness, health, sexuality, and the body. Topics may include spiritual and/or religious concepts of health and sickness; meditation, prayer, and healing; "alternative" medicine; Indigenous approaches to health and medicine; mental health and spiritual practice; and religion and health care justice. Students are introduced to a variety of research methods that will help them identify, understand, and critically assess the complex boundaries that exist between modern medicine and spirituality.


Held with HHUM 288


Offered on campus

Winter 2024
RS 342 001 Heresy and Religious Crises in Late Medieval Europe

An exploration of the impact of social crises on late medieval religious modes of expression. Topics will include the Great Famine, the Black Death, the Avignon Papacy and Western Schism, the development of heretical movements, and the eventual disintegration of European religious unity.


Held with: MEDVL 304, HIST 304


Offered on campus

Winter 2024
RS 383 001 Justice, Peace, and Development

An examination of communities, movements, and theologies which express a Christian hope for justice, peace, and development in the encounter with injustice, oppression, and poverty.


Reserved for Beyond Borders students. Contact Michelle Metzger with questions.


Offered on campus

Winter 2024
SMF 101 001 Introduction to Relationships and Families

This course provides an overview of couple, marital, and family relationships from a broad, interdisciplinary perspective.


Offered online

Winter 2024
SMF 111 081 Sex, Marriage, and Family Traditions in Italy

This course explores the contributions of Italian women artists, writers, and intellectuals from the Medieval times through the Renaissance to the Baroque period. The focus will be on the institutions of marriage and of the family.


Offered online

Winter 2024