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Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
PHIL 145 002 Critical Thinking

An analysis of basic types of reasoning, structure of arguments, critical assessment of information, common fallacies, problems of clarity and meaning.


Offered on campus

Winter 2024
PHIL 207J 081 Philosophy and J.R.R. Tolkien

An introduction to the implicit philosophical content of Tolkien's works, with a special emphasis on Lord of the Rings. Problems such as the existence of God, fate, free will, evil, death, and technology will be explored. Tolkien's views will be examined in relation to philosophical works.


Offered online

Winter 2024
PHIL 215 003 Professional and Business Ethics

Study of ethical and moral issues that typically arise in professional and business activity. What responsibilities to society at large do people in such business and professional activities as teaching, engineering, planning, architecture, and accounting have? How far should professional autonomy extend?


Held with ARBUS 202


Offered on campus

Winter 2024
PHIL 262J 001 Postmodernist Philosophy

A critical examination of postmodernism as a philosophical movement that has profoundly influenced the contemporary world. The course will introduce students to the main tenets of postmodernist philosophy in areas such as rationality, morality, politics, religion, art, and culture.


Offered on campus

Winter 2024
PHIL 305J 001 Philosophy of Nature

A philosophical study of the most fundamental and common aspects of the natural world. After examining how such a study differs from and complements modern science, topics such as nature, matter, change, cause, time, and chance will be explored.


Offered in a blended format with online and on campus components

Winter 2024
PHIL 327 001 Philosophy of Law

Basic themes in the philosophy of law. Issues include the nature of law and its relation to morality and politics, legal reasoning, the justification of punishment, and theories of rights, responsibility, and liability.


Held with LS 351


Offered in a blended format with online and on campus components

Winter 2024
PSYCH 101 003 Introductory Psychology

A general survey course designed to provide the student with an understanding of the basic concepts and techniques of modern psychology as a behavioural science.


Offered on campus

Winter 2024
PSYCH 232 001 Psychology of Evil

Psychological perspectives concerning definitions, causes, and consequences of institutional and personal evil, as well as symbols and interpretations of evil in both religious and secular contexts, will be considered.


Offered on campus

Winter 2024
PSYCH 257 001 Psychopathology

This course offers an introduction to understanding, assessing, and treating mental illness from a psychological perspective. Course material will focus on various categories of abnormal behaviour, including personality, anxiety, and mood disorders; schizophrenia; and substance abuse. Clinical methods of assessment, diagnosis, and intervention will also be considered.


Offered on campus

Winter 2024
PSYCH 315 001 Psychology of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood

A study of the psychological processes in the second and third decades of human development. Consideration is given to such areas as identity formation and intellectual, emotional, and social growth. Current concepts, issues, and research are stressed.


Offered on campus

Winter 2024