Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
PHIL 327 001 Philosophy of Law

Basic themes in the philosophy of law. Issues include the nature of law and its relation to morality and politics, legal reasoning, the justification of punishment, and theories of rights, responsibility, and liability.

Cross-listed with LS 351

Stéphanie Grégoire Fall 2019
PHIL 319J 001 Ethics of End-of-Life Care

What options does a person reaching the end of life have and how can they best be cared for? How can we balance patient autonomy with the expertise of the health-care provider and the demands of the health-care system? This course will help students think philosophically and critically about issues like these in their cultural, historical, and legal context. Specific topics may include consent, human dignity, euthanasia, refusal or withdrawal of treatment, palliative care and holistic patient care, pluralism and diverse understandings of dying, and treatment of the elderly.

Andrew Stumpf Fall 2019
PHIL 285J 001 Great Christian Thinkers: Augustine

An introduction to and examination of the thought of one important figure of Christian philosophy, such as Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, or Kierkegaard. The choice of the philosopher studied varies from term to term.

Bruno Tremblay PDF icon PHIL 285J_B.Tremblay_Fall 2019.pdf Fall 2019
PHIL 283 001 Great Works: Ancient and Medieval

A historical survey of ancient and medieval philosophy in the Western tradition.

Cross-listed with CLAS 261

Bruno Tremblay PDF icon PHIL 283-CLAS 261_B. Tremblay_Fall 2019.pdf Fall 2019
PHIL 230J 001 God and Philosophy

What is God? Does God exist? Can philosophy prove God or is agnosticism or atheism more reasonable? Is God compatible with evil and suffering or with a modern scientific worldview? Such questions will be explored from a variety of perspectives.

Nikolaj Zunic PDF icon PHIL 230J_N.Zunic_Fall 2019.pdf Fall 2019
PHIL 200J 001 Aristotelian Logic

An introduction to the understanding of how words are used, the formation of propositions, the construction of arguments and the examination of fallacies to help the student argue with order, facility and without error.

Stéphanie Grégoire Fall 2019
PHIL 100J 001, 002 Introduction to Philosophy

This course seeks to introduce students to the nature of philosophy. This is done through the examination of core texts and figures in the history of philosophy as well as in the discussion of perennial philosophical questions.

Nikolaj Zunic, Bruno Tremblay PDF icon PHIL 100J-001_N.Zunic_Fall 2019.pdfPDF icon PHIL 100J-002_B.Tremblay_Fall 2019.pdf Fall 2019
MEDVL 115 001 Crusading in the Middle Ages

This course examines the historical events and cultural assumptions that led to the European phenomenon of crusading, or holy war, between 1095 and 1453.

Cross-listed with HIST 115

Fall 2019
LS 402 001, 002 Legal Authority and Subjectivity

This seminar explores the relation between those who make or administer law and select legal subjects whose lives and identities are shaped by law. Students will debate and assess selected perspectives while touching on various disciplines spanning the social sciences and humanities.

Fall 2019
LS 401 001, 002, 003 Law, Culture, and Rights

This seminar explores the intersection of culture and rights from a legal studies perspective in order to better understand the diversity of ways that law shapes our society, and vice versa. Students will debate and assess selected topics from the perspective of various disciplines spanning the social sciences and humanities.

Honor Brabazon, Susan Dianne Brophy, Frederick Desroches PDF icon LS 401-003_F.Desroches_Fall 2019.pdf Fall 2019