Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
SMF 310 001 Sexual and Relational Ethics

A study of social relationships and systems that support sexual identities and relationship structures which generate ethical issues related to attitudes, values, and behaviours at both the individual and group level. This course may address sexual and relationship ethics on local, national, and transnational scales focusing on how issues of ethics and morality have been socially constructed.


Offered on campus

Carl Rodrigue PDF icon SMF 310_C.Rodrigue_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
SMF 318 001 The History of Sexuality: The Modern Period

This seminar introduces students to the history of sexuality. The course focuses on the 19th and 20th centuries.


Held with HIST 318


Offered on campus


Course outline available by request only

Catherine Briggs Winter 2023
SMF 400 001 Capstone Seminar

This seminar invites students to integrate their knowledge in the domains of sexuality, relationships, and families and make connections among theories, research, and practices. The capstone focus provides students the opportunity for critical self-reflection on their university experience.


Offered on campus

Carm De Santis PDF icon SMF 400_C.De Santis_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
SMF 491 001 Practicum and Applied Theory

This course involves the continuation of the SMF 490 practicum placement along with weekly seminar meetings that focus on integration of theory and practice.


Offered on campus

Carm De Santis Winter 2023
SOC 327 081 Policing in a Democratic Society

A critical examination of the police as social control agents in contemporary democratic societies. Topics include the historical evolution of policing; police recruitment, training, and education; police/community relations; the occupational subculture of the police; police authority and discretion; private policing; and police deviance and criminality.


Held with LS 327


Offered online

Frederick Desroches PDF icon SOC 327-LS 327-081_F.Desroches_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
SOC 355J 001 Power and Parenting

An examination of contemporary parent-child relations in terms of a reconceptualization of power. Special attention will be given to contemporary interpretive (e.g., hermeneutic) approaches to a reformulation of the relation between power and action.


Offered on campus

Kieran Bonner PDF icon SOC 355J_K.Bonner_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
SOC 430 003 Special Topics in Sociology - Cultures, Cities, Dublin

In this seminar course, students will have the opportunity to learn about a particular topic in the area of sociology or an interdisciplinary field. Students will gain in-depth analysis skills in this selected area of research.


Offered on campus

Kieran Bonner PDF icon SOC 430-003_K.Bonner_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
ARTS 130 003 Inquiry and Communication - Human Journeys

This course provides an introduction to diverse intellectual modes of inquiry in the social sciences and humanities with an emphasis on the development of communication skills. In a small seminar setting, students will explore a variety of topics based on instructor expertise in order to build social awareness, ethical engagement, and communication competencies in comprehension, contextualization, and conceptualization. Students will be expected to engage with the work of others, articulate positions, situate writing and speaking within contexts, practice writing and speaking for situations beyond the classroom, engage in basic forms of research, and workshop, revise, and edit writing.


Offered on campus


Course outline available by request only

Sylvia Terzian Fall 2022
ARTS 130 004 Inquiry and Communication - Language Matters

This course provides an introduction to diverse intellectual modes of inquiry in the social sciences and humanities with an emphasis on the development of communication skills. In a small seminar setting, students will explore a variety of topics based on instructor expertise in order to build social awareness, ethical engagement, and communication competencies in comprehension, contextualization, and conceptualization. Students will be expected to engage with the work of others, articulate positions, situate writing and speaking within contexts, practice writing and speaking for situations beyond the classroom, engage in basic forms of research, and workshop, revise, and edit writing.


Offered on campus

Elena Afros PDF icon ARTS 130_E.Afros_Fall 2022.pdf Fall 2022
ARTS 140 001 Information and Analysis - The Study of Comics

This course introduces students to diverse ways of finding, examining, and using data and information in the social sciences and humanities. In a small seminar setting, students will explore a variety of topics based on instructor expertise in order to understand quantitative and qualitative methods of data gathering and build competencies in conceptualizing, contextualizing, and comprehending methods of information analysis. Students will be expected to investigate, use, and assess the presentation of information in their own work and the work of others so that they can better understand the range of social, ethical, and political challenges of our world.


Offered on campus

Andrew Deman PDF icon ARTS 140-001_A.Deman_Fall 2022.pdf Fall 2022