Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
RS 383 001 Justice, Peace, and Development

An examination of communities, movements, and theologies which express a Christian hope for justice, peace, and development in the encounter with injustice, oppression, and poverty.


Department Consent Required. Reserved for Beyond Borders students - contact Michelle Metzger with questions.


Offered on campus

Cristina Vanin PDF icon RS 383_C.Vanin_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
RS 499 001 Senior Seminar

This seminar examines contemporary methods and theories in the study of religion and how they may be used to address specific themes in religious studies.


Department Consent Required


Offered on campus

David Seljak PDF icon RS 499_D.Seljak_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
SMF 101 081 Introduction to Human Sexuality

This course provides an overview of couple, marital, and family relationships from a broad, interdisciplinary perspective.


Offered online

Angela Underhill PDF icon SMF 101_A.Underhill_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
SMF 200 001 Special Topics in Sexualities, Relationships, or Families - Sexual Violence and Citizenship

This course introduces students to special topics in sexualities, relationships, and/or families.


Held with GSJ 271


Offered on campus

Stacey Jacobs PDF icon SMF 200-GSJ 271_S.Jacobs_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
SMF 204 001 Introduction to Relationships and Families

This course provides a broad interdisciplinary overview of theories and research on human sexuality. Topics may include human anatomy, sexual health, sexual response cycle, sexual orientation, gender, sex work, sexual practices, fetishes and paraphilias, and attraction/intimacy/love.


Offered on campus

Angela Underhill PDF icon SMF 204_A.Underhill_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
SMF 207 001 Parents, Children, and Family Relations

This course examines caregiver/parent-child relationships from a broad interdisciplinary perspective over the lifespan. Topics may include the transition to parenthood, parenting practices and their intersection with child/adult development, social and cultural influences on families with children, same-sex parenting, gender variance/fluidity and family relationships, family relations after parental separation, and care of aging parents.


Offered on campus

Denise Whitehead PDF icon SMF 207_D.Whitehead_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
SMF 230 001 Introduction to Statistics in Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies

The goal of this introductory statistics course is to help students understand the logic and appropriate application of commonly used descriptive and inferential statistics, with examples drawn from various disciplines relevant to sexuality, marriage, and family studies.


Offered on campus

Carl Rodrigue PDF icon SMF 230_C.Rodrigue_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
SMF 305 001 Social Issues and Controveries in Human Relationships

This course will provide a detailed examination of selected issues and controversies in the area of human sexuality. Topics may include the role of sex education in schools, nature vs. nurture, censorship, and surrogate motherhood.


Offered on campus

Angela Underhill PDF icon SMF 305_A.Underhill_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
SMF 307 001 Conflict in Close Relationships

Families and close relationships are among the most important and valued human experiences, but they can also be the source of much conflict and pain. This course will examine the role that conflict plays in close relationships, with a focus on topics such as emotions, power, third-party interventions, breakdown of relationships, conflict styles, and conflict resolution.


Offered on campus

Denise Whitehead PDF icon SMF 307_D.Whitehead_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
SMF 308 001 Relational Therapy

Modern and postmodern therapeutic approaches to working clinically within relational contexts (e.g., family, romantic, other relationship configurations) are taken up. This course emphasizes cultural sensitivity, social justice, and anti-oppressive practices in therapeutic settings. Students will apply theory to practice and explore the ethical implications associated with doing clinical work.


Offered on campus

Siobhan Sutherland PDF icon SMF 308_S.Sutherland_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023