Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
LS 327 081 Policing in a Democratic Society

A critical examination of the police as social control agents in contemporary democratic societies. Topics include the historical evolution of policing; police recruitment, training, and education; police/community relations; the occupational subculture of the police; police authority and discretion; private policing; and police deviance and criminality.

(Cross-listed with SOC 327)

Frederick Desroches PDF icon SOC-LS 327-081_F.Desroches_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
LS 229 001, 081 Selected Topics in Criminology

Sociological analysis of research and theory on selected criminal activities. Motivation, modus operandi, and the social characteristics of offenders will be examined in relation to such specific crimes as drug and sexual offenses, theft, robbery, murder, organized crime, and/or other criminal activities.

(Cross-listed with SOC 229)

Carlie Leroux-Demir PDF icon SOC-LS 229-001_C.Leroux_Winter 2019.pdfPDF icon SOC-LS 229-081_C.Leroux_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
LS 101 001, 081 Introduction to Legal Studies

An introduction to the study of law, its structure, and legal institutions from a cross-cultural and historical perspective. This interdisciplinary course examines the origins of legal systems and their impact on society. Included is an analysis of the diverse historical, political, economic, and cultural conditions under which law arises and functions within society.

Susan Dianne Brophy, Patrick Watson PDF icon LS 101-001_S.Brophy_Winter 2019.pdfPDF icon LS 101-081_P.Watson_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
SOC 430 001 Special Topics in Sociology: Alcohol, the Grey Zone, and Well-Being

An in-depth analysis of research in selected topics in Sociology.

Kieran Bonner PDF icon SOC 430_K.Bonner_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
SOC 355J 001 Power and Parenting

An examination of contemporary parent-child relations in terms of a reconceptualization of power. Special attention will be given to contemporary interpretive (e.g. hermeneutic) approaches to a reformulation of the relation between power and action.

Kieran Bonner PDF icon SOC 355J_K.Bonner_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
SMF 491 001 Practicum and Applied Theory

This course involves the continuation of the SMF 490 (Practicum and Professional Ethics) practicum placement along with weekly seminar meetings that focus on integration of theory and practice.

Carm De Santis PDF icon SMF 491_C.DeSantis_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
SMF 461 001 Practicum and Applied Theory

This course involves an assigned unpaid apprenticeship in a human sexuality or family studies setting combined with regular seminar meetings. The practicum will require no more than eight hours per week. Paid or volunteer positions that are obtained outside the context of this course are not eligible for credit in this course.

Carm De Santis Winter 2019
SMF 400 001 Capstone Seminar

This seminar invites students to integrate their knowledge in the domains of sexuality, relationships, and families and make connections among theories, research, and practices. The capstone focus provides students the opportunity for critical self-reflection on their university experience.

Toni Serafini PDF icon SMF 400_T.Serafini_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
SMF 318 001 History of Sexuality: The Modern Period

This seminar introduces students to the history of sexuality. The course focuses on the 19th and 20th centuries.

Jane Nicholas Winter 2019
SMF 308 001 Relational Therapy

Families and close relationships are among the most important and valued human experiences, but they can also be the source of much conflict and pain. This course will examine the dark side of close relationships, with a focus on topics such as conflict and conflict resolution, family violence, poverty, separation and divorce, illness, and death and bereavement.

Carm De Santis PDF icon SMF 308_C.DeSantis_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019