Debates “en français” Completes Next Chapter

July 1st marks Canada Day, but most Canadians have never revisited the unique paths that each province and territory took on the journey to Confederation. Few have explored how the provinces, territories, and Treaty area became the political framework we know today. Records of legislatures debating the extent, purposes, and principles of political union remained inaccessible, many in provincial archives. But all of that changed. Two St. Jerome’s University professors had an idea. Bring Confederation back to Canadians, and as of July, complete another chapter in this country’s history.

Nicholas Heads Up Tri-University History Graduate Program

St. Jerome’s University is pleased to announce that Jane Nicholas, an associate professor in the Department of History, will be directing the Tri-University Graduate Program in History as of July 1st. The program, one of the largest of its kind in the country, combines the faculty and resources of three of Canada’s premier universities – Wilfrid Laurier, the University of Guelph, and the University of Waterloo – with courses and research supervision for Masters and PhD programs across a broad range of areas.

Holy Saturday Mass

Join us for our Easter Vigil service, the central celebration of the year. We begin the celebration outside with the lighting of the Paschal (Easter) candle and lighting our own candles from its light. The liturgy of the Word that follows takes us on a journey through salvation history leading us to the cross of Christ and the empty tomb. We then renew our baptismal promises to show that we are reborn with Christ. After this mass you will be invited to stay for an Easter party with snacks and fellowship.

Holy Thursday Mass

Join us for our Holy Thursday liturgy when we listen to the last supper account and learn how to be Eucharist by serving one another. During this mass you will be invited to come have your hands/feet washed and to do the same for others as a symbol of this service to one another. We leave the mass in silence, preparing to enter the garden with Jesus. After the mass, you are invited to spend time with the Blessed Sacrament until 9:00 p.m.