March Break Open House

The best way to understand the essence of the St. Jerome's University experience is to see and feel the small-college atmosphere firsthand so that you can form your own impressions. We’d love to meet you in person, show you around our campus, and introduce you to life at SJU.

Mark McGowan - April 7, 2017

Uncomfortable Pews: Canada's Christians and the Making of Confederation, 1867
Location: Vanstone Lecture Hall, Academic Centre, St. Jerome’s University SJ2 1004
Sponsors: This lecture is endowed by a special fund created by family and friends in memory of the Honourable John J. Wintermeyer.
Free of Charge | Free Parking | Wheelchair Accessible | Refreshments Served.

7th Annual Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies Research Symposium

The 7th Annual SMF Research Symposium is around the corner! 

The Symposium features undergraduate and graduate student research presentations, from a variety of disciplines, on topics such as polyamory, diverse romantic relationships, consent and dementia, incest and adultery in Medieval society, LGBTQ+, and parenting.


Including keynote speaker Dr. Jean Kilbourne, speaking on: