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Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
RS 180 081 Love and Friendship

A study of the significance of love and friendship in classical and contemporary religious writers. We will consider questions such as, "Why are friendship and love important for human living?" and "Is friendship with God a possibility?"

Carolyn Whitney-Brown PDF icon RS 180-081_C.Whitney-Brown_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
SOC 327 081 Policing in a Democratic Society

A critical examination of the police as social control agents in contemporary democratic societies. Topics include the historical evolution of policing; police recruitment, training, and education; police/community relations; the occupational subculture of the police; police authority and discretion; private policing; and police deviance and criminality.

(Cross-listed with LS 327)

Frederick Desroches PDF icon SOC-LS 327-081_F.Desroches_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
SOC 229 001, 081 Selected Topics in Criminology

Sociological analysis of research and theory on selected criminal activities. Motivation, modus operandi, and the social characteristics of offenders will be examined in relation to such specific crimes as drug and sexual offenses, theft, robbery, murder, organized crime, and/or other criminal activities.

(Cross-listed with LS 229)

Carlie Leroux-Demir PDF icon SOC-LS 229-001_C.Leroux_Winter 2019.pdfPDF icon SOC-LS 229-081_C.Leroux_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
SMF 230 001 Introduction to Statistics in SMF

The goal of this introductory statistics course is to help students understand the logic and appropriate application of commonly used descriptive and inferential statistics, with examples drawn from various disciplines relevant to sexuality, marriage, and family studies.

PDF icon SMF 230_C.Quinn-Nilas_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
RS 121 081 Evil

How do the religions of the world define evil? How do they suggest it can be overcome? Classical and modern writers from Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism will be considered.

Carmen Celestini PDF icon RS 121-081_C.Celestini_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
PSYCH 357 001 Psychology of Good

What does it mean to "be good"? How does one "do good"? What makes "doing good" easier or harder? This course examines (1) the biological and psychosocial foundations of prosocial behaviour and (2) associated facilitators and obstacles at both interpersonal and organizational levels. Topics may include empathy, social responsibility, volunteerism, community intervention, activism, and heroism.

Chris Burris, John Rempel PDF icon PSYCH 357_C.Burris J.Rempel_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
PHIL 284 001 Great Works: Modern

A historical survey of modern philosophy in the Western tradition.

Nikolaj Zunic PDF icon PHIL 284_N.Zunic_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
PHIL 210J 001 Human Nature

What is a human being? The course examines this question from a philosophical perspective. Topics to be covered may include the soul, the body, emotions, the intellect, the will, relationships, sex, and human dignity.

Nikolaj Zunic PDF icon PHIL 210J_N.Zunic_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
LS 431 001 Corporate Governance

Corporations adopt different internal regulations depending on geography, size, industry, legal jurisdiction, political climate, and historical context. In this course each of these factors is examined in order to understand the evolution of corporate governance. This framework prepares students for a critical assessment of the main theories of corporate governance, while a comparative approach invites debate about corporate legal obligations and social responsibilities.

Susan Dianne Brophy PDF icon LS 431_S.Brophy_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019
LS 402 001, 002, 003 Legal Authority and Subjectivity

This seminar explores the relation between those who make or administer law and select legal subjects whose lives and identities are shaped by law. Students will debate and assess selected perspectives while touching on various disciplines spanning the social sciences and humanities.

PDF icon LS 402-001_R.Zinaic_Winter 2019.pdfPDF icon LS 402-002_R.Zinaic_Winter 2019.pdfPDF icon LS 402-003_K.Burrows_Winter 2019.pdf Winter 2019