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Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
ITAL 201 001 Intermediate Italian

Advanced study of grammar. Conversation sessions based on intermediate-level readings reflecting contemporary Italian life. Intensive practice in the spoken and written language.

Roberta Cauchi-Santoro PDF icon ITAL 201_R.Cauchi-Santoro_Fall 2019.pdf Fall 2019
ITAL 101 001, 002 Introduction to Italian Language 1

An intensive study of the fundamentals of grammar and conversation. The language laboratory will be used.

Yuri Sangalli PDF icon ITAL 101-001_Y.Sangalli_Fall 2019.pdfPDF icon ITAL 101-002_Y.Sangalli_Fall 2019.pdf Fall 2019
HUMSC 101 001 Great Dialogues: Reflection and Action

What is the relationship between thinking and action? Do they pull us in different directions? Can they be integrated? This course investigates how our own dialogue with core texts, from antiquity (e.g., Homer, Plato, Christian Scriptures) to the present (e.g., Joyce, Arendt), offers ways of understanding the dilemmas and issues raised by these texts and present in our culture.

David Perrin PDF icon HUMSC 101_D.Perrin_Fall 2019.pdf Fall 2019
HIST 422 004 Special Topics in History: History of Emotions

This seminar is a special study of a selected topic in history. Please see course instructor for details.

Fall 2019
HIST 391 001 Special Topics in History: Canada's Cold War

One or more term courses will be offered from time to time as announced by the History Department. Topics will be dependent upon special research and/or instructional interests of faculty.

Ryan Touhey Fall 2019
HIST 389 001 Canada in World Affairs

An analytical and historical examination of Canadian foreign policy in the international system. Domestic sources of Canadian foreign policy and international sources of Canadian foreign policy are examined in detail.

Ryan Touhey Fall 2019
HIST 210 001 History of Ancient Law

A historical introduction to law in the ancient world. Babylonian, Assyrian, Hittite, and Roman law, legal practices, and concepts will be examined.

Cross-listed with CLAS 210, LS 235

Dan Hutter PDF icon HIST-CLAS 210-LS 235_D.Hutter_Fall 2019.pdf Fall 2019
HIST 115 001 Crusading in the Middle Ages

This course examines the historical events and cultural assumptions that led to the European phenomenon of crusading, or holy war, between 1095 and 1453.

Cross-listed with MEDVL 115

Fall 2019
HIST 113 001 Canadian Business History: Innovators and Entrepreneurs

This course examines the role of individuals in the growth of business in Canada. While there will be general examination of Canadian economic development, the principal focus will fall upon leading Canadian business persons and their interests and innovations. The relationship to the state of business, the place of education, and the impact of immigration are other topics that the course will consider.

Catherine Briggs Fall 2019
FR 251 001 French Language 2: Module 1

Intensive work on grammar and written French.

Kerry Lappin-Fortin PDF icon FR 251_K.Lappin-Fortin_Fall 2019.pdf Fall 2019