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Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
ENGL 108A 001 The Superhero

An examination of hero figures, ranging broadly from ancient characters such as Gilgamesh to the modern comic book superhero. Literary as well as non-literary materials (e.g., film, comics, games) will be considered.


Offered on campus

Andrew Deman PDF icon ENGL 108A_A.Deman_Spring 2022.pdf Spring 2022
ENGL 108P 001 Popular Potter

This course examines all seven of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels.


Offered on campus

Jesse Hutchison PDF icon ENGL 108P_J.Hutchison_Spring 2022.pdf Spring 2022
ENGL 208A 001 Forms of Fantasy

A study of fantasy literature, including some subgenres such as romances, fairy tales, fables, and gothic and horror fiction.


Offered on campus

PDF icon ENGL 208A_M.Hancock_Spring 2022.pdf Spring 2022
ENGL 364 001 Shakespeare in Performance at The Stratford Festival

A historical, theoretical, and analytical introduction to Shakespeare's plays in performance, both on stage and screen, this course focuses on specific problems and decisive issues of past productions and of those in the current Stratford Festival season.


Offered in Stratford at The Stratford Festival

Alysia Kolentsis Spring 2022
ENGL 367 001 Voice and Text at The Stratford Festival

Taught by faculty and Stratford Festival coaches, this practical course invites students to explore acting techniques and exercises to develop their stage voice with a particular focus on Shakespeare's plays. This is a block course that meets in Stratford for two weeks in May, and may be taken with ENGL 364, as the two courses are offered at complementary times. The course is offered as part of a consortium with faculty from five universities. Students are required to arrange their own transportation to Stratford.


Offered in Stratford at The Stratford Festival

Alysia Kolentsis Spring 2022
ENGL 378 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007 Professional Communications in Statistics and Actuarial Science

This course introduces students to oral and written communication in the fields of statistics and actuarial science. With emphasis on the public presentation of technical knowledge, the ability to give and receive constructive feedback, and communication in a collaborative environment, this course helps students develop proficiencies in critical workplace skills. This course is writing intensive and includes extensive collaborative assignments.


Offered on campus

Mark Spielmacher, Jesse Hutchison, Diana Lobb PDF icon ENGL 378-001_M.Spielmacher_Spring 2022.pdfPDF icon ENGL 378-002_M.Lesiuk_Spring 2022.pdfPDF icon ENGL 378-003 and 004_J.Hutchison_Spring 2022.pdfPDF icon ENGL 378-005_D.Lobb_Spring 2022.pdfPDF icon ENGL 378-006_D.Lobb_Spring 2022.pdfPDF icon ENGL 378-007_D.Lobb_Spring 2022.pdf Spring 2022
ENGL 425 001 Transnational Feminism and Contemporary Narratives

This course examines the dialogue between transnational feminist theories and literary practices. Drawing on a range of literary and media genres from the late 20th and early 21st centuries, this course considers the historical developments, as well as contemporary contexts (e.g., migration, globalization), that gave rise to the framework of transnational feminism and its negotiations with Anglo-American and European feminist literary theories.


Held with GSJ 472-002


Offered on campus


Course ouline by request only

Sylvia Terzian Spring 2022
ITAL 101 081 Introduction to Italian Language 1

An intensive study of the fundamentals of grammar and conversation. The language laboratory will be used.


Offered online

Andrea Privitera PDF icon ITAL 101_A.Privitera_Spring 2022.pdf Spring 2022
ITALST 281 001 Italian Cinema and the Novel

A survey of some of the principal novels of 20th century Italy as they have been adapted in film by Italian directors. Students will study literary and cinematic representations of themes such as the rise of the Italian bourgeoisie, the economic boom of the 1960s, domestic violence, and organized crime.


Offered on campus

Yuri Sangalli PDF icon ITALST 281_Y.Sangalli_Spring 2022.pdf Spring 2022
LS 101 081 Introduction to Legal Studies

An introduction to the study of law, its structure, and legal institutions from a cross-cultural and historical perspective. This interdisciplinary course examines the origins of legal systems and their impact on society. Included is an analysis of the diverse historical, political, economic, and cultural conditions under which law arises and functions within society.


Offered online

Carlie Leroux-Demir Spring 2022