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Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
ARTS 130 004 Inquiry and Communication - Hungry I's

This course provides an introduction to diverse intellectual modes of inquiry in the social sciences and humanities with an emphasis on the development of communication skills. In a small seminar setting, students will explore a variety of topics based on instructor expertise in order to build social awareness, ethical engagement, and communication competencies in comprehension, contextualization, and conceptualization. Students will be expected to engage with the work of others, articulate positions, situate writing and speaking within contexts, practice writing and speaking for situations beyond the classroom, engage in basic forms of research, and workshop, revise, and edit writing.


Offered on campus

Veronica Austen PDF icon ARTS 130-004_V.Austen_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
ARTS 130 005 Inquiry and Communication - Horror & the Work of Reconciliation

This course provides an introduction to diverse intellectual modes of inquiry in the social sciences and humanities with an emphasis on the development of communication skills. In a small seminar setting, students will explore a variety of topics based on instructor expertise in order to build social awareness, ethical engagement, and communication competencies in comprehension, contextualization, and conceptualization. Students will be expected to engage with the work of others, articulate positions, situate writing and speaking within contexts, practice writing and speaking for situations beyond the classroom, engage in basic forms of research, and workshop, revise, and edit writing.


Offered on campus

Diana Lobb PDF icon ARTS 130-005_D.Lobb_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
ARTS 140 002 Information and Analysis - The Study of Comics

This course introduces students to diverse ways of finding, examining, and using data and information in the social sciences and humanities. In a small seminar setting, students will explore a variety of topics based on instructor expertise in order to understand quantitative and qualitative methods of data gathering and build competencies in conceptualizing, contextualizing, and comprehending methods of information analysis. Students will be expected to investigate, use, and assess the presentation of information in their own work and the work of others so that they can better understand the range of social, ethical, and political challenges of our world.


Offered on campus

Andrew Deman PDF icon ARTS 140-002_A.Deman_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
ARTS 140 003 Information and Analysis - Blueprints for Progress

This course introduces students to diverse ways of finding, examining, and using data and information in the social sciences and humanities. In a small seminar setting, students will explore a variety of topics based on instructor expertise in order to understand quantitative and qualitative methods of data gathering and build competencies in conceptualizing, contextualizing, and comprehending methods of information analysis. Students will be expected to investigate, use, and assess the presentation of information in their own work and the work of others so that they can better understand the range of social, ethical, and political challenges of our world.


Offered on campus

David Seljak PDF icon ARTS 140-003_D.Seljak_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
ENGL 108A 001 The Superhero

An examination of hero figures, ranging broadly from ancient characters such as Gilgamesh to the modern comic book superhero. Literary as well as non-literary materials (e.g., film, comics, games) will be considered.


Offered on campus

PDF icon ENGL 108A_B.Wyse_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
ENGL 108X 001 Literature and Medicine

How can literature help us understand the body, illness, and healing? The course considers the perspectives of patients and medical practitioners across a range of works, including poetry, fiction, medical texts, and other nonfiction.


Offered on campus

Carol Acton PDF icon ENGL 108X_C.Acton_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
ENGL 200B 001 English Literatures 2

An introduction to the diverse forms and voices of literature written in English from the late 18th century to the present, focussing on key writers and works from Britain and North America, and including works by women and people of colour. Students will explore literary techniques, historical and cultural contexts, and the question of the canon.


Offered on campus

Andrew Deman PDF icon ENGL 200B_A.Deman_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
ENGL 201 001 The Short Story

This course deals with the history and techniques of the short story, with emphasis upon works by such British, American, and Canadian writers as Henry James, James Joyce, D.H. Lawrence, Ernest Hemingway, and Alice Munro.


Offered on campus

Chad Wriglesworth PDF icon ENGL 201_C.Wriglesworth_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
ENGL 206 001 Writing Lives

This course studies the ways the self is constructed through text by examining a variety of life-writing approaches, organized from youth to old age, along with theories of identity, memory, gender, narrative, cultural studies, and autobiography as a genre.


Offered on campus

Carol Acton PDF icon ENGL 206_C.Acton_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023
ENGL 208B 001 Science Fiction

Various examples drawn, for instance, from Utopian and anti-Utopian science fiction, social science fiction, "gadget" science fiction, parapsychology, and alternate worlds and beings will be considered. Some attention will be given to the historical development of the genre.


Offered on campus

Andrew Deman PDF icon ENGL 208B_A.Deman_Winter 2023.pdf Winter 2023